pandasDataFrame.rename()accepts a dict(dictionary) as a param for columns you want to rename, so you just pass a dict with a key-value pair; the key is an existing column you would like to rename and the value would be your preferred column name. # Rename a Single Column df2=df.rena...
We can also rename multiple columns in a DataFrame by providing a dictionary mapping of old column names to new column names. Let’s see an example of renaming multiple columns: importpandasaspd# Creating a sample DataFramedata={'A':[1,2,3],'B':[4,5,6],'C':[7,8,9]}df=pd.DataF...
columns: It is used tospecify new names for columns. It takes to dictionary or function as input. axis: Alternative tocolumns. It is used to specify the axis to apply with the mapper.Column axis represented as 1 or ‘columns‘. Default 0. copy: It allows the copy of underlying data. ...
hello_str.encode hello_str.isspace hello_str.rstrip hello_str.endswith hello_str.istitle hello_str.split hello_str.expandtabs hello_str.isupper hello_str.splitlines hello_str.find hello_str.join hello_str.startswith hello_str.format hello_str.ljust hello_str.strip hello_str.format_map hello_s...
Index.str.replace方法类似于 Python 字符串的replace方法,pandas 的 Index 和 Series(仅限 object 类型)定义了一个矢量化的str.replace方法以进行字符串和基于正则表达式的替换。 df.columns = df.columns.str.replace('gdp', 'log(gdp)') df y log(gdp) cap 0 x x x 1 x x x 2 x x x 3 x x...
df.rename(columns=column_mapping, inplace=True) df In this exmaple, the column_mapping dictionary is used to specify the old column names as keys and the new column names as values. The rename method is then applied to the DataFrame, and the columns parameter is set to the column_mappi...
Python program to rename all columns in Pandas DataFrame # Importing pandas packageimportpandasaspd# Creating a dictionary of student marksd={"Peter":[65,70,70,75],"Harry":[45,56,66,66],"Tom":[67,87,65,53],"John":[56,78,65,64] }# Now, Create DataFrame and assign index name as...
Let’s look carefully at how to use the columns parameter. When you change column names using the rename method, you need to present the old column name and new column name inside of a Python dictionary. So if the old variable name isold_varand the new variable name isnew_var, you wou...
To rename the columns of thisDataFrame, we can use therename()method which takes: A dictionary as thecolumnsargument containing the mapping of original column names to the new column names as a key-value pairs Abooleanvalue as theinplaceargument, which if set toTruewill make changes on the...
To rename multiple columns, you can pass multiple column names and their corresponding changed names as key-value pairs in thepython dictionarythat is provided as an input argument to therename()method as follows. import pandas as pd df1 = pd.read_csv('student_details.csv') ...