Panel a: Kidney from a young beagle dog showing spontaneous focal lipid vacuolation of the glomerulus (H&E ×400). Panel b: Glomerulus from a New Zealand Black mouse showing the typical obliterative form of glomerulonephritis where there is increased cellularity, effacement of the glomerular ...
(Figure 1, middle panel). A single afferentarterioleenters eachglomerulusand branches to form theglomerular capillaries(Figure 2). These branches then recombine to form the efferent arteriole, which carries blood out of the glomerulus (Figure 2). Efferent arterioles then either branch into ...
To dissect the mechanism of lipid deposition in renal cancer cells, we first evaluated the ability of a panel of three VHL (−/−) cancerous (786-O, A498 and OS-RC-2), three VHL (+/+) cancerous (ACHN, Caki-1 and SN12PM6) and one non-tumorigenic (HK-2) cell lines to ma...
Participating organizations include the town of Guadalupe and NIDDK office in Phoenix; First Nation hospital and Albuquerque area Indian Health Services (IHS); and Zuni Pueblo, NM. Recruitment methods We will use the patient panel of CRIC investigators in our recruitment areas (Phoenix, AZ, Zuni,...
percentage of hCD59+ RMs gradually decreased to ~60% from P7 to P252 and was maintained at this stable level until P378 (Fig.2f, right panel), which is consistent with the finding inCx3cr1CreER+/−/ihCD59+/−induced by tamoxifen at E18.5 (Fig.2d). These results were also ...
To ensure equal amounts of GST proteins used, the SDS–PAGE gel was stained with Coomassie blue (bottom panel). (c) 786-0 RCC cells were serum-starved and either left untreated (À) or treated with HGF ( þ ). Cell lysates were immunoprecipitated with Met or hTid-1 antibodies and ...
Author links open overlay panelJosé M. Portolés a, María José Pérez-Sáez b, Paula López-Sánchez a, Omar Lafuente-Covarrubias a, Javier Juega c, Domingo Hernández d, Jordi Espí e, María Dolores Navarro f, María Auxiliadora Mazuecos g, María Luisa Rodríguez-Ferrero h, Naroa Maruri...
Author links open overlay panelHélder Dores a, Manuel de Sousa Almeida a d, Pedro de Araújo Gonçalves a d, Patrícia Branco b, Augusta Gaspar b, Henrique Sousa b, Angela Canha Gomes c, Maria João Andrade a, Maria Salomé Carvalho a, Rui Campante Teles a d, Luís Raposo a d, ...
Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is the most common kidney cancer and is often caused by mutations in the oxygen-sensing machinery of kidney epithelial cells. Due to its pseudo-hypoxic state, ccRCC recruits extensive vasculature and other stromal
(n = 140; 23 regions with SETD2 mutations).4,13 We examined five markers (D2S123, D5S346, D17S250, BAT25 and D11S904), including four established markers from the Bethesda panel for identification of MSI in colorectal cancer.26 As a positive control, we included five MSI positive ...