I removed wallpaper from a raw plaster wall. I want to wash the old glue out of the pores of the plaster before I seal, prime, and paint. What solution is best to wash down the walls to ensure the glue is all gone? ByMaryfrom Norfolk, VA ...
PM,There are a number of products that will remove tape and its glue from walls and other surfaces. Since plastic tape is somewhat resistant to solvents, the trick is to combine a solvent product and careful scraping with a single-edge razor (preferably in a razor blade holder)....
device for removing old glue and kalkfarbenanstriche of ceilings and walls.HAGENAUER,WALTER
Removing wallpaper can sometimes seem an impossible task. The only telltale sign that you painted over your stubborn wallpaper will be the seams--but with some extra work, you can hide those. As long as the underlying paper is adhering tightly to the walls and you disguise the seams, the...
Similarly, Sarah I would say you saw a similar problem when you used the product on your painted wall. Basically, it leaves behind a bit of an oily residue sometimes. I don't know how long ago you used the product forcleaning your walls, but it may help to wipe the wall with a sol...
walls and the fluid is greatly improved if sufficient heat is conducted into the fluid to cause it to vaporize. Such two-phase cooling enhances the efficiency of the microchannel heat exchanger because significant thermal energy above and beyond that which can be simply conducted into the fluid ...
device for removing layers of color to the old glue or lime for ceilings and wallsHAGENAUER WALTER