028 Why books are here to stay Small Thing Big Idea a TED series 03:33 027 The secret weapon that let dinosaurs take over the planet Emma Schachner 10:13 026 The urgent case for antibiotic-free animals Leon Marchal 11:00 025 The search for dark matter and what we've found so far...
Glue is an essential product for home repair mavens, DIY enthusiasts, and recreational crafters alike. But when the sticky stuff results in a sticky situation spilled over an unwanted surface, cleaning up the residue can be a tedious task. We’ve already covered the steps to take whenbattling...
There are actually a couple of approaches you can take. Dry or wet. For dry removal, you can sand the glue off the walls. Since it is dry, it can come off in a fine powder. The upside to that is no gooey mess. The downside is that it kicks off a lot of dust and I was hesi...
Admitting that your house or apartment has roaches is like pinning a scarlet "R" on your chest for all to see. But where do roaches come from, and how can we firmly tell them to take a hike? Roaches (whether they're American cockroaches, German cockroaches, or another species) can get...
B A Madden, apainter and decorator in London, has some tips on howto remove wallpaper from your walls. There are different methods you can use to remove wallpaper. You can peel it off, use a stripping concentrate with hot water, or scrape it off, depending on the type of wallpaper ...
A typical wifi router serves as a hub for the multiple devices connected to its network. Most traditional "wireless" access points still need to be wired to the internet to broadcast their signal. For large wireless networks, ethernet cables need to be buried in ceilings and walls and through...
Water could be an excellent glue because it sticks quite well to other substances (such as glass), but its cohesive forces are incredibly weak. You can stick paper to the wall by wetting it first, but you can usually peel it off quite easily too. When you peel, you're breaking the ...
Mistakes happen, especially when it comes to working with glues. Whether you've used a little too much glue making a mosaic frame around a mirror or the kids' craft project went a little out of control, don't worry: that hardened glue can still be cleaned off the mirror glass. In many...
Step 2: With frosting, “Glue” sugar wafers to the front, sides and back of the cake in alternating strips to resemble bricks. Some of the wafers will need to be cut in half to make the brick effect for the walls. Step 3: Place the second cake on top of the first cake. Step 4...
Some of the walls in that room are plaster over cement cinder blocks and the ceiling is plaster over lathe. Staples don’t stick to either of those very well! So I decided to use the staples for the walls that are drywalled and fabric starch for everything else. ...