The tutorial explains how to remove blank spaces in Excel using formulas and the Text Toolkit tool. You will learn how to delete leading and trailing spaces in a cell, eliminate extra spaces between words, get rid of non-breaking white space and non-printing characters. What's the biggest p...
Removing Non-Breaking Spaces The Trim Function alone can not be used to remove non-breaking spaces. This is because the non-breaking spaces are in Char(160) format. To remove these trailing spaces, users would need to use the Substitute Function nested in the Trim Function to remove trailing...
If you pull data from a website into Excel, it may come in with non-breaking leading spaces. Notice that theASCII codefor a non-breaking space is 160, and the ASCII code for a regular space is 32. Unlike regular spaces, non-breaking spaces are treated as a single unit and are not ...
Get rid of all extra spaces including non-breaking spaces using an amazing tool In addition to the above method, theRemove Spaces featureofKutools for Excelcan help youclear away all extra spaces including non-breaking spacesin just a few clicks! Before applyingKutools for Excel, please download...
It is very easy to remove normal leading spaces in the Excel cell. However, the TRIM function goes wrong in the case of non-breaking leading spaces. For example, look at the below image. Even after the TRIM function is applied, we do not see the perfect sentence here. It is a problem...
In this article, we will learn about how to use the TRIM function in Excel to remove all spaces and non-breaking spaces.TRIM function in ExcelTRIM function is a TEXT function in Excel used to remove all extra spaces from the text string except for single space between words....
Excel Easy #1 Excel tutorial on the net Excel Introduction Basics Functions Data Analysis VBA 300 Examples Ask us Remove Spaces in Excel The TRIM function in Excel removes leading spaces, extra spaces and trailing spaces. Use the SUBSTITUTE function to remove all spaces or non-breaking spaces. ...
Excel TRIM not working The TRIM function only removes thespace characterrepresented by code value 32 in the 7-bit ASCII character set. In the Unicode character set, there is one more space character called thenon-breaking space,which is commonly used on web pages as the html character. The ...
Before we discuss how to remove trailing spaces in Excel, it’s vital to understand that there are different types of spaces in Excel. The first type is a regular space, which is obtained by hitting the space bar. The second type is a non-breaking space, which is not recognized by Exce...
There can be non-breaking spaces in a text as well. To remove them, simply use Substitute Function and replace the non-breaking space with a normal space.Lastly, if you wish to remove all spaces in Excel the Find & Replace feature would be your best match!