首先,普通空格比较简单,在excel单元格中敲击键盘上的“Space”键即可输入空格键,普通空格键的ASCII码是32。这里,我们可以验证一下。 硬空格,相信很多人应该没接触过。所谓硬空格,是 Unicode字符集中的一个非常规字符,它代表的是“不间断空格”(Non-breaking Space)。与普通的空格字符不同,硬空格通常用于在排版过程...
如果要替换的字符为空格,我们可以直接输入,但代码为160的字符,即“不换行空格(non-breaking space)...
To remove the non-breaking leading spaces from the dataset, we can use the SUBSTITUTE function inside the TRIM function to replace the non-breaking spaces with regular spaces. We use the steps below: Select cell B2 in the example dataset and enter the formula below: =TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(A2,CHAR...
In this argument, we ask the function to replace the old text with a new text. In our example, we will be replacing it with a single space. However, entering a space alone won’t convey a clear message. Hence we enclose the space in inverted commas, (““). Step 6:Hit “Enter” ...
There can be non-breaking spaces in a text as well. To remove them, simply use Substitute Function and replace the non-breaking space with a normal space.Lastly, if you wish to remove all spaces in Excel the Find & Replace feature would be your best match!
In cell C2, you replace CHAR(127) with a regular space (" "), and then trim that space: =TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(A2, CHAR(127), " ")) The result should look something similar to this: If your data contains a few different non-printing chars as well as non-breaking spaces, you can nest...
PressSpace barin theFind Whatfield and make sure the "Replace with" field is empty. Click on the "Replace all" button, and then pressOk. Voila! All spaces are removed. Using formula to remove all spaces You may need to delete all blanks, like in a formula chain. To do this, you ca...
5. Simply combine CLEAN and TRIM to remove non-printable characters and spaces. 6. The CLEAN function removes line breaks. To enter a line break, press ALT + ENTER. 7. You can also use the SUBSTITUTE function to remove a line break, CHAR(10), and replace it with something else. For...
philip369I had the same problem when cutting and pasting from a web page. Numbers were text. All I did was a Replace of space to @ then replace the @ with nothing. Trying to replace space with nothing did exactly that - nothing - it didn't remove the spaces. ...
Solution: To replace these non-printable characters with spaces, use the SUBSTITUTE function as follows: =SUBSTITUTE(C5, CHAR11), " ") In this example, CHAR(11) represents the non-printable character. The SUBSTITUTE function swaps these characters with spaces, allowing your text to appear as ...