# 查看运行的容器 sudo docker ps # 查看所有容器(包括停止的) sudo docker ps -a # 停止容器 sudo docker stop containerid # 删除容器 sudo docker rm containerid # 查看镜像 sudo docker images # 删除镜像(要先删除容器,才能删除对应的镜像,镜像要从高向低删除,如果基于镜像1 commit过镜像2,要先删除...
Docker is an open-source platform that simplifies the process of building, shipping, and running applications using containerization. Containers allow developers to package an application and its dependencies into a single unit, making it easier to deploy and scale applications across different environmen...
也就是将test数据卷在宿主机上的目录/var/lib/Docker/volumes/test/_data挂载到容器内的/volume中。 接着,通过命令查看容器test-container的数据卷信息,示例代码如下: 上述示例通过查看容器挂载信息得知容器test-container成功挂载test数据卷。另外,还可以在宿主机中使用docker inspect命令查看指定数据卷的信息,示例代码...
Run a container: docker run mongo//run the container, if container not exists, download from hub This will output the console log in the command line Another way to run docker is in the backage: docker run -d mongo To stop a container running: docker stop <container id> To varify ther...
docker stop : 停止container docker start : 重新启动container docker ps - Lists containers. -l:显示最后启动的容器 -a:同时显示停止的容器,默认只显示启动状态 docker attach 连接到启动的容器 docker logs : 输出容器日志 -f:实时输出 docker cp :path hostpath:复制容器内的文件到宿主机目录上 docker rm ...
You need to pass it the container ID and the port you’re interested in. So, we need to tell xargs how to run this command. Here’s how to examine port 80 on all four containers. First, this command line runs docker ps -aq. Then it pipes (|) the output to xargs with -I ‘ID...
$dockerrm<container-id>or<container-name> 4. Remove a Container upon Exit A container after completing its task gets stopped but remains in the docker memory, so if we want to remove a container upon exit then we can set–rmflag with theruncommand. ...
docker 更新镜像后,docker stop containerID之后删除旧容器时,会出现设备或资源繁忙的问题。 由于是更新镜像,在销毁container时由于无法卸载挂接镜像的磁盘导致出错。网上也是说找到挂载点 cat /proc/mounts | grep "mapper/docker" | awk '{print $2}',然后依次unmount。(在我这里不行啊)。
$ docker ps // 查看所有正在运行容器 $ docker stop containerId // containerId 是容器的ID $ docker ps -a // 查看所有容器 $ docker ps -a -q // 查看所有容器ID $ docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) // stop停止所有容器 $ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) // remove删除所有容器...
dockerps-a Copy Remove: dockerrmID_or_NameID_or_Name Copy Remove a container upon exiting If you know when you’re creating a container that you won’t want to keep it around once you’re done, you can rundocker run --rmto automatically delete it when it exits: ...