4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions 4 docker-compose.yml Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ version: "3" services: database: image: imagineapi/imagineapi-postgres:latest container_name: database restart: always env_file: - ./.shared.env @@...
由于是更新镜像,在销毁container时由于无法卸载挂接镜像的磁盘导致出错。网上也是说找到挂载点 cat /proc/mounts | grep "mapper/docker" | awk '{print $2}',然后依次unmount。(在我这里不行啊)。 我这里面删除旧容器,或是重启docker restart (docker-compose up -d)依然会出现这个问题,但是不影响新容器的运...
# docker-compose.ymlversion: '3.7'services: one: image: docker/getting-started user: root ports: - 8081:80 container_name: one two: image: docker/getting-started user: root ports: - 8082:80 container_name: two three: image: docker/getting-started user: root ports: - 8083:80 container_...
dockerCompose { mysql { removeContainers project.ext.removeContainers.toBoolean() } } removing the "=" will call the setter Member augi commented Aug 10, 2023 That's interesting. Here you can see that the getRemoveContainers is Property<Boolean> so it should IMHO work 🤔 Author kwonglau...
pip uninstall docker-compose 2 DaoCloud脚本方式安装 Docker Compose Docker Compose 存放在Git Hub,不太稳定。 通过DAOCLOUD安装: 你可以也通过执行下面的命令,高速安装Docker Compose。 curl -Lhttps://get.daocloud.io/docker/compose/releases/download/1.25.5/docker-compose-uname -s-uname -m> /usr/local/...
1) Stopping a Docker container by ID If you need to stop the container, run docker stop [container id] You can verify it stopped by running docker ps -a In a multi container environment services can be stopped by running docker-compose stop ...
It give you the pid of the processes which run in devices subsystem (what is mounted and busy) located in the hierarchy in /docker/:containerid: I succeeded to kill them : kill $(cat /sys/fs/cgroup/devices/docker/88189a16be60761a2c04a455206650048e784d750533ce2858bcabe2f528c92e/tasks) ...
docker container ls -a 1. Copy The output should look something like this: CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES cc3f2ff51cab centos "/bin/bash" 2 months ago Created competent_nightingale cd20b396a061 solita/ubuntu-systemd "/bin/bash -c 'exec …" 2 months ago Exited (13...
1CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES2794e4a93f514 jhooq-spring-boot-docker-compose:1"java -jar /app.jar"18minutes ago Up18minutes>8080/tcp hooq-k8s_jhooq-springboot-container_1 bash (Note: For the example purpose I am taking only one containerjhooq-spring...
I have a dockerized application that has an entrypoint script that goes in to the container and deletes the automatically created code directory to create a link of the same name of the application directory. But every time when I run: docker-compose up -d The docker...