Hey, guys..., It's easy. 1. When you click on the "Export" button on the Relume site 2. Open the "Relume Figma Kit" 3. Install the "Relume Plugin" 4. Navigate to the "Workspace" page on the Relume Figma Kit 5. Open the "Relume Plugin" 6. You'll see "Your website". Just...
1.访问Relume AI官网 打开浏览器并访问:https://library.relume.io/ 下载Figma插件:https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/1245615905217691936/Relume-Library 2.添加设计描述 以从Figma插件页面进入为例,注册登录插件后,点击"build a site"按钮,会跳转到Relume制作页面,分为两个部分,一个是站点地图,一个是线框...
Welcome to the Relume Figma Kit. The Relume Figma Kit includes 1,000+ components with mobile variants and color variables. The Relume team updates it monthly, and it serves as the official starter project for any project using the Relume Site Builder. -&
您可以透過訂閱Relume AI的電子郵件通訊或關注社交媒體頁面來獲得最新的折扣代碼及促銷活動,享受優惠。 如何登入Relume AI? 要登入Relume AI,請訪問官方網站並點擊登入按鈕,然後輸入您的帳號和密碼。如果您尚未註冊,可以先創建一個新帳號。 Relume AI支持哪些工具? Relume AI可以導出到Figma和Webflow,這些工具都是設計師...
Relume 是一款强大的 AI 网站构建工具,它致力于帮助用户更高效地设计和搭建网站。其核心优势在于,将 AI 作为设计助手,而非替代品,让用户能够在短时间内完成复杂的网站搭建任务。 轻松创建网站地图 使用Relume,创建网站地图变得轻而易举。用户只需用几句话描述公司相关信息,AI 就能在短短几秒内生成完整的网站地图。
Relume 相关标签 网页设计 无代码 生成式人工智能 Figma Webflow Relume 相关搜索词 relume relume ai relume library reloom relume icons 相似工具 5mino 5mino是一个安卓应用,提供5分钟的活动,以战胜压力和孤独感。 手机应用 AI Website Tool 基于AI的网站创建工具,旨在几分钟内轻松设计。 网站 Crev ...
No AI gimmicks Utilize our library of over 1000+ real components built by humans. Ready to export Copy any element or page and paste directly to Figma or Webflow. Editing super powers Edit copy or add new components from our library. You're in control, not the AI. ...
Use AI as your design ally, not as a replacement. Effortlessly generate sitemaps and wireframes for marketing websites in minutes with Relume’s AI website builder.
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