Turn your Figma designs into production-level code with the power of Claude AI and GPT-4o. This plugin supports multiple frameworks such as React, SwiftUI, Tailwind, Flutter and delivers accurate, prompt-able code for web-based and mobile outputs, making design-to-code conversion a powerful wo...
https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/997643096679511216/icons8-background-remover Photoroom-ai and background remover 这款插件除了可以智能抠图外,还支持背景智能填充,也即将开放智能阴影添加能力。 https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/112688223...
Mockup Plugin – Devices Mockups, Print Mockups, AI Mockups Third-party payment Experience thousands of the highest quality mockups with the most user-friendly interface 13.8k 1.1m Convertify Sketch/Adobe/Google Third-party payment Export Figma to Sketch, XD, After Effects, or import XD, PDF, ...
AI能力再升级! 用Figma插件,轻松生成高质量前端页面 _ Figma AI to Code, 视频播放量 306、弹幕量 0、点赞数 4、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 5、转发人数 3, 视频作者 微信小程序搜接单通, 作者简介 本人是php大神我敢说我php技术第一没有人敢说第二 我是接单通小程序的站长,相
Figma 神级插件合集!9个UI/UX设计师必备的 Figma 提效插件本文推荐了9个实用的 Figma 插件,有很多都是集成了AI功能的,基本都有免费使用次数,大家可以按需自取。阅读文章 > 同样是设计,为何你的同事小花能早早下班,隔壁的二狗能享受岁月静好,而你却还在 Figma 中苦苦
Photoroom-ai and background remover 这款插件除了可以智能抠图外,还支持背景智能填充,也即将开放智能阴影添加能力。 https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/1126882239732656005 2.2 图像高清化处理 AI image upscaler 目前对图像高清化处理的这类插件在Figma中较少,该插件分为免费版和付费专业版。免费版支持2倍放大...
最近發現一個很讚的 Figma Plugin,並且我已經購買:Table To Figma,可以串接資料庫大量建立圖片,例如串接 Google Sheets、Notion 等,而且是一次性付費!優惠不知道何時,可以去瀏覽一下。而 Musho AI 這款Figma 外掛則是則是結合 AI 自動產生網頁設計圖,雖然很棒,但其實現存已經有爆多 Design Template 可以使用,...
The huge workspace you are able to create. Also the AI chat feature is super cool to enhance your workflow and make life a bit more easy What do you dislike about the product? Sometimes i have to figure out what buttons/mouse options to use to jump back to a specific part of my whit...
Anima is transforming the design to development workflow: Turn any design to code, and iterate with AI to bring it to life, right in the browser.
https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/1234140943476658588/Text-to-Design---AI-Assistant 2.文本生成设计组件 将左下角的任务类型切换为design,在输入框内描述想要的组件,如“product card with image,title,price,CTA button,”Text to design-AI Assistant就会生成对应的设计方案。 生成结果也是可编辑的,可以点...