Let’s explore the damage uncritical acceptance of religious concoctions do in society. I am not engaging in an exploration of religious philosophy; just examining what religion does in practical politics. Let me give you a few examples of the greater hold religion, rather than other factors suc...
That Silvia had decided to answer the question of her conversion is one thing, that it has been rendered public is totally another. In addition to this statement, the papers have disclosed that she said she was always treated well by those who held her captive, that she was not subjected ...
we can learn the purposes to which they can be put; we can be strengthened in our inclination to use them, or get courage to do so; we can judge by examples the effect of applying them, and so acquire the correct use of them; and of course it is only when we have arrived at tha...
Again, The Rules gives excellent examples of this behavior: included among the 35 rules are stipulations against initiating conversation with a man, answering his phone calls, meeting him more than once a week and ‘rushing into’ sex, i.e., anything which would suggest mutual attraction[3]. ...
Someofthoseanalyticalsphereshave beendiscussedin thischapter,drawingexamplesfromseveral societiesandcountriesbutespeciallyfromAfricawherethe postcolonialstateis frail andfragile,oftencontendingwithresidualreligiousinstitutionsandattitudes.Religionas thepoliticaleconomyofthesacredand ritualarchive is notaprioriapolitical;it ...
s use of examples from the physical sciences as analogies for the relationship between concepts and the real things they are said to designate. The third part models an alternative use of examples from the natural sciences to think about historiography, concluding that the realist/antirealist ...
The Chinese texts they translated provided material for the development of religion in the Age of Reason in the West, and convinced European scholars during the Age of Enlightenment that Chinese religions were perfect examples of natural theism. (Sharpe, 2000: 19–21) By the nineteenth century, ...
The fact that the latter seem to anticipate use of the former, that eyes are arrayed in ways that show adaptation, to the laws of optics, ears to the laws of acoustics, wings to aerodynamics, etc—these examples suggest that the entity responsible for the material world intended these ...
[CRCS Publications, Reno, Nevada], Greene gives examples of "birth charts," not just of several historically famous persons, but of some countries, including the Soviet Union. While discussing the Soviet chart, she says, "I think it's worth considering now the conjunction which is approaching...
Finally, there are today numerous examples of religious influence on pol- itics and decision-making, including Jews, 0.2% Sikhs, 0.4% Buddhists, 5.9% Hindus, 13.3% Muslims, 20.1% Jews Bahá'ís Confucianists Jains Shintoists Taoists Zoroastrians 15.0 evangelicals pressuring the Bush 7.5 ...