In general, he offers intriguing examples of play for the respective areas, but much of his discussion is rooted in his definition of what constitutes play and how to identify play (as he discusses in chapters 1 and 2). Thus, I would have liked a more thoughtful, philosophically rooted dis...
let’s break down what it actually says. The first thing I want to point out is that the genre of law gives us legal categories to work with, these aren’t supposed to be interpreted as narrowly specific examples of things that really happened. This is giving categories for an old ...
Here is one of those examples. It is full of Christianese like being created by God and giving in to God’s design, but never gives evidence that what it advocates for is actually God’s design: “A real woman is a woman who recognizes that she has been exquisitely and perfectly create...
62). Thayer provides examples in Scripture such as restoration to health, sight, dominion, of a disturbed order of affairs, and of a person’s being restored to his friends. The concept of restoration if not foreign to the New Testament. Now, in his article, the writer says, “Movements...
Let me clarify what I mean through two examples of such contradictions. The Creation Story The first creation story (ending either in Genesis 2:3 or in the middle of 2:4—but the fact that scholars can’t “even” agree on this doesn’t prove that there is one creation story!) is co...
Calendars are powerful political, religious and social tools. Their symbolism incorporates spiritual, temporal, cosmological, celestial, numerical and agricultural truths, often in the guise of cultural myth. The authority ancient kings, carried througho
Asked in this manner, “what must mando?”, the answer no longer takes the form of a statement of belief, but rather the form of a command.Here we must tread very carefully.For any command that a man imposes on others must not be his own creation or it becomes a “precept of men”...
The above text is perhaps one of the most famous examples of negotiation in the Biblical text: Abraham’s attempt to bargain with God over the fate of the people of Sodom. Abraham first presents a modally-assessed statement introduced by the modal Adjunct ʾûlay as a possible reality and...
These examples represent an almost universally held assumption about the task of hermeneutics, namely, that interpretation necessarily and inevitably operates from the perspective of the presuppositions of the interpreter.5 In other words, it would seem that the presuppositions of the interpreter are ...