MATRIX读写IBM® SPSS® Statistics矩阵数据文件。 需要IN或OUT以及括号中的矩阵文件。 在同一RELIABILITY过程中使用IN和OUT时,可以在单独的MATRIX子命令或同一子命令中指定它们。 如果在同一RELIABILITY命令上使用了IN和OUT,并且矩阵输入文件中存在分组变量,那么会将这些变量视为拆分变量。 输入矩阵中分组变量的值将传...
The operation steps of reliability analysis in SPSS: Step1:Analyze, Scale Reliability, Analysis Step2: Alpha, Model mode selection variables list topic variables in the left point project Step3: according to Statistics, in which Scale if item deleted, click on Continue, OK©...
RELIABILITY在 Statistics Base Edition 中可用。 RELIABILITY估计多项加性标度的成分可靠性统计。 RELIABILITY VARIABLES={varlist} {ALL } [/SCALE(scalename)=varlist ] [/MODEL={ALPHA}]{OMEGA }{SPLIT[(n)] } {GUTTMAN } {PARALLEL } {STRICTPARALLEL} [/STATISTICS=[DESCRIPTIVE] [SCALE] [{ANOVA }] ...
/MODEL=SPLIT /STATISTICS=CORR.SPSS Split-Half Reliability OutputFirst off, note that this analysis is based on N = 862 out of 924 observations due to missing values. Next, SPSS defines Part 1 (the first test half) as the first 8 items. As seen in the footnotes, the last 7 items make...
These statements covered various constructs or dimensions under investigation in the research context. Using SPSS Statistics, we conducted Cronbach's alpha analysis to estimate the internal consistency reliability of the Likert scale statements. The normality of the data was assessed using Kolmogorov-...
The data collected were analyzed using statistical analysis software, specifically SPSS 26.0 and AMOS 23.0. In the full sample (n = 694), descriptive statistics were conducted to analyze the participants' demographic characteristics and scores on each questionnaire item. The item analysis first ca...
Reliability and Validity in Statistics 来自 钛学术 喜欢 0 阅读量: 37 作者: M Crawford 摘要: The primary purpose of this paper is to analyze the reliability and validity contained within an experiment or research study. In order to analyze this specific research data, we were required to ...
IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 27.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp. A two-tailed probability value of ≤ 0.05 was considered significant. Results Sample Table 1 shows that the main sample consisted of 387 individuals with a mean age of 91.0 (± 5.0) years, 65.1% were women, 36.2...
此功能需要 Statistics Base 选项。 从菜单中选择: 分析>刻度>可靠性分析 ... 选择两个或更多变量作为可加标度的可能成分。 从模型下拉列表中选择模型。 (可选)单击统计以选择各种统计,用于描述标度项或评分者间一致性。 此过程将粘贴RELIABILITY命令语法。
SUMMARY是累积的。 如果多次输入,那么将为标度生成所有请求的统计信息。 您可以指定以下一项或多项: MEANS。有关项平均值的统计信息。项目平均值的平均值,最小值,最大值,范围,最大值与最小值之比以及方差。 VARIANCE。关于项方差的统计。这将显示与MEANS相同的统计信息。