3:Branch设备与PC2之间的ping测试:因为PC1使用DHCP获取IP,暂时还没有配置dhcp server,就只测试PC2的。Branch设备和HQ设备和Server之间起静态路由。使得他们之间相互通信,同时在Server设备上部署dhcp服务器,Branch设备部署 dhcp agent,使得PC1能够从Server上面获取到IP地址,最后PC1和PC2通信还可以和Branch和HQ和Ser...
NE40E作为DHCPv6 Relay Agent时,需要配置IPv6 remote前缀池对前缀进行管理。 操作步骤 执行命令system-view,进入系统视图。 执行命令ipv6 prefixprefix-nameremote,创建IPv6前缀池并进入IPv6前缀池视图。 执行命令link-addressipv6-address/prefix-length,配置链路本地地址。
A relay agent relays DHCP/BOOTP messages that are broadcast on one of its connected physical interfaces, such as a network adapter, to other remote subnets to which it is connected by other physical interfaces. The following illustration shows how client C on Subnet 2 obtains a DHCP address le...
However, when a destination DNS server is specified, a DNS proxy or relay agent can forward only IPv4 requests to this server. Procedure Run system-view The system view is displayed. Run dns group dns-group-name A DNS group is created on the DNS proxy or relay agent. By default, no ...
当relay agent(在本例中是一个具有 DHCP/BOOTP relayAgent 功能的路由器)接收到这个消息后,它检查包含在这个消息报头中的网关 IP 地址,如果 IP 地址为 ,则用 relay agent 或路由器的 IP 地址替换它,然后将其转发到 DHCP 服务器所在的子网 1 上。
Access configuration. The DHCP Relay Agent in the Windows Server 2003 family must be configured with the IP address of the DHCP server in order to relay DHCP requests between Subnet A and Subnet B. For more information about setting up the DHCP Relay Agent, seeConfigure the DHCP Relay Agent...
IlyasKadi / DHCP-Relay-Agent Star 1 Code Issues Pull requests A DHCP Server is a network server that automatically provides and assigns IP addresses, default gateways and other network parameters to client devices. interface lan dhcp network firewall routing subnet ip dhcp-server forwarding relay-...
RRAS DHCPv6 Relay Agent Request and Response Operations RRAS DHCPv6 Relay Agent Socket Operation RAS Connection RASMAN Service Configuration RRAS Audits RRAS Authentication and Accounting RRAS Computer Certificate for EAP-TLS RRAS Connection Licenses
(Relay Agent Information Option),包括PITP P模式和PITP V模式。 l PITPV模式是由BRAS主动向接入设备查询用户物理位置信息的协议。 l PITPP模式则是接入设备在PPPoEDiscovery阶段的PPPoE报文中添加用户物理位 置信息,以方便BRAS进行用户认证的协议。 目的 PITP特性的目的在于为上层的认证服务器提供接入用户物理位置信息...