DHCP服务器根据Relay Agent IP Address字段为客户端分配IP地址等参数,并将DHCP应答报文发送给Relay Agent IP Address字段标识的DHCP中继。DHCP中继接收到DHCP应答报文后,会进行如下处理: DHCP中继假设所有的应答报文都是发给直连的DHCP客户端。Relay Agent IP Address字段用来识别与客户端直连的接口。如果Relay Agent IP ...
如果无任何显示信息,表明DHCP中继功能处于禁止状态或未配置DHCP server的地址,请执行dhcp select relay命令使能DHCP中继功能,然后执行ip relay address命令配置DHCP server的地址。 如果Dhcp Option(DHCP option编号)、Relay Agent IP(中继代理地址)或Server IP(DHCP server的IP地址)字段显示的值不正确,请执行ip relay ...
Branch设备和HQ设备和Server之间起静态路由。使得他们之间相互通信,同时在Server设备上部署dhcp服务器,Branch设备部署 dhcp agent,使得PC1能够从Server上面获取到IP地址,最后PC1和PC2通信还可以和Branch和HQ和Server之间通信。以下是部署配置:Branch 设备添加两条路由:Branch(config)#ip route 255.255...
ASSISTED PROACTIVE IP ADDRESS ACQUISITION mobile node sends a unicast DHCP message to the DHCP relay agent or to the DHCP server in the CTN, requesting an address, while using the address associated with the current physical interface as the source address of the request. ... O Yoshihiro,LR ...
In order to start the DHCP process, boot the system and send a broadcast message (DHCPDISCOVER) to the destination address - UDP port 67. Note: If a VPN client requests an IP address, the relay-agent IP address is the first usable IP address that is d...
The DHCP relay agent information option (option-82) enables a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) relay agent to include information about itself when forwarding client-originated DHCP packets to a DHCP server. The DHCP server uses this information to implement IP address or ...
可以采取在一个子网中安装DHCP服务器,让它来为多个子网分配IP地址,实现多子网地址分配可以借助DHCP的中继代理功能实现,而作为中继代理的设备可以是一台提供中继代理程序的Windows服务器或是一个符合RFC1542规定的路由器,具备 DHCP/ BOOTP Relay Agent 的功能(DHCP relay agent能够把 DHCP/BOOTP 广播信息从一个网段转播...
可以采取在一个子网中安装DHCP服务器,让它来为多个子网分配IP地址,实现多子网地址分配可以借助DHCP的中继代理功能实现,而作为中继代理的设备可以是一台提供中继代理程序的Windows服务器或是一个符合RFC1542规定的路由器,具备 DHCP/ BOOTP Relay Agent 的功能(DHCP relay agent能够把 DHCP/BOOTP 广播信息从一个网段转播...
For each IP network segment that contains DHCP clients, either a DHCP server or a computer acting as a DHCP Relay Agent is required.备注 You cannot use the DHCP Relay Agent component on a computer that is running the DHCP service, the network address translation (NAT) routing protocol ...