Relative clauses in Latin refer to clauses introduced by relative pronouns or relative adverbs. The relative clause construction includes a main or independent clause modified by its dependent of subordinate clause. It is the subordinate clause that holds the relative pronoun or relative adverb giving...
Relative clauses in Juridical Latin are strictly connected with the succession of subjunctive and indicative mood and with the use of demonstrative and determinative pronouns. Regarding the first point, we observed that the Opposition between indicative and subjunctive mood often expresses the Opposition ...
The German and the Latin examples clearly show that the pronoun has received its Case from the verb of the subordinate clause. If the Case were assigned by the matrix verb, the pronoun would bear Nominative for the Latin clause and Accusative for the ...
A glance has been cast also to pronouns and particles (sometimes linked together) as instruments of linking nominal variants of coordinate or subordinate clauses and to the development of demonstrative\\/deictic pronouns. Also in ancient case theory a prevailing position was assured to the ...
LatinGermanSyntaxTeachingIn this work we would like to present a new teaching proposal for free relative clauses, with a comparative perspective. The proposal is addressed to Italian learners of Latin and German with an advanced knowledge of the morpho-syntax of the three languages and tries to ...
Relative Clauses in Juridical Latin : Journal of Latin LinguisticsGrazia ReggioJ Med Lyon
Sununary Relative clauses in Juridical Latin are strictly connected with the succession of subjunctive and indicative mood and with the use of demonstrative and determinative pronouns. Regarding the first point, we observed that the Opposition between in