In this section, first, we provide our definition of the breeding value for scrapie susceptibility, measured as RSS. Second, we outline the method for predicting the allele content for a single locus with multiple alleles. Third, we describe the methods employed to determine the level of RSS ...
Find out what an anther is. Learn about the anther definition, anther function, and parts of the flower, and also see what does an anther do in a flower. Related to this Question How does the structure of the stigma aid in pollination?
Based on this definition, our testing battery includes the NIH Toolbox Flanker Inhibitory Control and Attention Test [133] and the Stroop Color-Word Task (the IGNITE version, [105]) to measure exogenous inhibitory control and the Symbol Digit Modalities Test [134] and the Paced Auditory Serial...
At higherK-values, the emergence of W7 and W8 brought greater geographical definition to the subpopulations identified in SE Asia (Fig.1a and d). AtK = 7, a cluster of four accessions, previously classified as W1/W5 admixtures, was identified as a subpopulation from Myanmar. AtK =...
According to the definition of the machine set rotor given in Section 2, two rotors of the machine set should be distinguished here: the rotor of a compressor with a pulley and the rotor of an electric motor with a pulley. The driving moment produced by the electric motor is not constant...