Singh.The goal of this study was to examined the adjustment level between Management (M.B.A)and Technical (M.Tech)students at higher level in NCR region. In this study, result has been showed that M.Tech Students has more Adjustable than M.B.A students in the respect of Adjustment:-...
Li,Qiang,and,Xu,Yongbo,and,M.N,Bassim 摘要: A Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar system was used to determine the dynamic mechanical properties in relation to the formation of adiabatic shear bands in titanium alloy-Ti17. Cylindrical and conical frustum specimens were impacted between the incident and...
The uptake of oil-soluble dye and partition between water and hexanol have been measured for hexamethonium bromide (Br−·(CH3)3N+· (CH2)10·N+(CH3)3Br... J.T,Pearson - 《Journal of Colloid & Interface Science》 被引量: 14发表: 1971年 ...
Relations between the notions These three different notions of the quantum dimension and hence the KPZ relation all have different benefits: Box counting version: it provides a notion of quantum balls having more physical content and is probably easiest to link to discretization of the field, and...
Cell‒cell interactions between different cell types in the TME are critical for tumour progression, metastasis, and therapeutic responses [10]. For the moment, the identity of different cells in ACP is still not fully explored. Previous studies have used mRNA expression microarray or bulk RNA-...
The Relationship between Religion and Anxiety: A Study among Anglican Clergymen and Clergywomen: The 20-item anxiety scale proposed by the Eysenck Personality Profiler (EPP) was completed by 1,148 Anglican male clergy and 523 Anglican female clergy dur... SH Jones,LJ Francis,C Jackson - 《Jour...
1.DepartmentofRespiratoryMedicine;2.DepartmentofCardiovascularDisease,theFirstAffiliated Hospital,MedicalSchoolofXi’anJiaotongUniversity,Xi’an71006;3.DepartmentofMedicine,521 Hospital,Xi’an710061,China. ABSTRACT:Objective Toinvestigatetheeffectofoleanolicacid(oA)onapoptosis,correlationbetweenapoptosisand intracellula...
2TowhomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedatTheKinseyInstituteforResearchinSex(Gender)andReproduction,MorrisonHall313,IndianaUniversity,Bloomington,Indiana47405-3700;e-mail:jbancrof@indianaedu 1998;Nofzingeretal.,1993)andanassociationbetweensexual“compulsivity”andnegativemoodhasbeenre-ported(Black,Kehrberg,Flumerfelt...
Major GATA transcription factors (AreA and AreB) and their co-repressor Nmr also play a central role in the nitrogen regulatory network8. However, despite the progress made in studying nitrogen regulation of secondary metabolism, the molecular action modes as well as possible interactions between ...
it is absolutely of no surprise that agonist potency can vary from cell to cell1and, in this regard, no particular recombinant cell type is superior to another. We agree with Cilibrizzi that reproducibility between different groups requires similar cell backgrounds and experimental settings, but thi...