The rel attribute in HTML is used to specify the relationship between the current document and the linked document. It is used in the <link> tag, and it can take on a variety of values, each of which specifies a different relationship. Some of themost common values for the rel attribute...
This was a really minor change I noticed whilst working on something else, so I quickly created this PR without adding an issue first. Happy to create one if this is more controversial What? Adds therel="tag"attribute to theaelements of thepost-termsblock in the editor Why? Because the f...
anynumberoftimes.InHTML,thetaghasnoendtag. InXHTML,thetagmustbeclosedcorrectly. InadditiontothestandardgenericattributesofHTML,thelink elementalsoincludesmanyoptionalattributes:charset,href, hreflang,media,rel,rev,target,title,andtype.Inthese attributes,targetisonlyallowedtobeusedinboththe ...
In HTML, the link tag has no end tag. In XHTML, the link tag must be closed correctly. In addition to the standard generic attributes of HTML, the link element also includes many optional attributes: charset, href, hreflang, media, rel, rev, target, title, and type. In these ...
<a>HTML <a> tag defines a hyperlink. It is used to link from one page to another. <area>HTML <area> tag specifies the areas of the image, mapping that can be clicked on or are active areas that are linked to by hyperlinks.
By now I’m sure you’re itching to get your hands on some actual microformats. The previous chapters covered a lot of reasonably theoretical aspects of HTML that you’ll need to understand to really come to grips with microformats in practice. Now...
If you have upgraded to WordPress 4.7.4 version or newer, then you must have noticed a new tag rel="noopener" alongside the target="_blank" tag in the HTML editor. The tag is automatically added to all internal and external links when you make them open in a new tab. Like any other...
[HTML5] a tag, rel="noopener" It is a good pratice to add ref="noopener" <ahref="/some/domain"target="_blank"rel="noopener"/> Because when the new page is opened, in the new page can redriect parent page to another url, which contains security risk....
Following is the application control logic described in 4 actions: 1. The user visits a page that accepts comments. Your app or a 3rd. party app handles the request: a. Your template shows content that accepts comments. It loads the ``comments`` templatetag and using tags as ``render_co...
You might understand the importance of having HTTPS in your URL prefix, or why you need an SSL certificate. But do you know what the noopener noreferrer HTML tag attributes mean, and when you should use them? In this article, we’ll go over what rel=”noopener noreferrer” means, when ...