link 标签的 rel 属性全解析(The rel attribute of the link tag is fully resolved) link 标签的 rel 属性全解析(The rel attribute of the link tag is fully resolved) The < link > tag defines the relationship between the current document and other documents in the Web collection. The link ...
<link rel="alternate" media="only screen and (max-width: 640px)" href=""> rel=canonical<link>标记方法的优点是可以映射无限多个重复网页,不足是在大型网站或网址经常改变的网站上维护映射会比较复杂,且仅适用于 HTML 网页,不适用于 PDF 之类的...
The rel attribute in HTML is used to specify the relationship between the current document and the linked document. It is used in the <link> tag, and it can take on a variety of values, each of which specifies a different relationship. Some of themost common values for the rel attribute...
HTML中<a>标签有个rel属性,这篇文章简要介绍下rel属性的含义、Value,及在HTML5中新增的一些属性值。1、rel属性定义: <a>标签的rel属性用于指出当前文档与被链接文档的关系。仅在有href属性存在的情况下使用,我们常在link标签中用到,比如:<link rel=“stylesheet” style="text/css" href=“../ ...
In XHTML, the link tag must be closed correctly. In addition to the standard generic attributes of HTML, the link element also includes many optional attributes: charset, href, hreflang, media, rel, rev, target, title, and type. In these attributes, target is only allowed to be used in ...
InXHTML,thetagmustbeclosedcorrectly. InadditiontothestandardgenericattributesofHTML,thelink elementalsoincludesmanyoptionalattributes:charset,href, hreflang,media,rel,rev,target,title,andtype.Inthese attributes,targetisonlyallowedtobeusedinboththe TransitionalandFramesetDTDS,andtherestcanbeusedin ...
HTML中<a>标签有个rel属性,这篇文章简要介绍下rel属性的含义、Value,及在HTML5中新增的一些属性值。1、rel属性定义: <a>标签的rel属性用于指出当前文档与被链接文档的关系。仅在有href属性存在的情况下使用,我们常在link标签中用到,比如:<linkrel=“stylesheet” style="text/css" href=“../ ...
By now I’m sure you’re itching to get your hands on some actual microformats. The previous chapters covered a lot of reasonably theoretical aspects of HTML that you’ll need to understand to really come to grips with microformats in practice. Now...
next The next document in a selection nofollow "nofollow" is used by Google, to specify that the Google search spider should not follow that link (mostly used for paid links) noreferrer Specifies that the browser should not send a HTTP referer header if the user follows the hyperlink prefetc...
Reference: Attributes:AttributeValueDescriptioncharsetchar_encodingNot supported in HTML5.Specifies the char