The birth of a child is caused by an ancestral spirit entering a woman's body. The spirit waits in a sacred place for the woman to pass by. After death, the person's spirit returns to the ancestral powers. According to traditional African belief, the souls or spirits of recently dead ...
such as Hinduism and Jainism. The idea was also entertained by some ancient Greek philosophers. Many modern Neopagans also believe in reincarnation as do some New Age movements, along with followers of Spiritism, practitioners of certain African traditions, and...
Eternal Drama: The Inner Meaning of Greek Mythology. Boston: Shambhala, 2001. Edinger, Edward F. Archetype of the Apocalypse. Chicago: Open Court, 1999. Ehnmark, Erland "Transmigration in Plato". The Harvard Theological Review, Vol. 50, No. 1 (Jan., 1957), pp. 1-20 ...
("questioning" in a classroom setting), educational philosophy, philosophy generally, classical Greek philosophy, Platonic recollection (the object of the Socratic method), nuns (and the connotative clash of a "kind" nun), women, Catholics and Catholicism, and youth versus age—as well as a ...