GOD OF REINCARNATION & THE AFTERLIFE Herodotus, Histories 2. 123 (trans. Godley) (Greek historian C5th B.C.) : "The Egyptians say that Demeter [Isis] and Dionysos [Osiris] are the rulers of the lower world. The Egyptians were the first who maintained the following doctrine, too, that ...
Death and reincarnation was an important part of the Dionysian cult. The story of the binding of Hera, in which Dionysos led Hephaistos back to Olympos to release the goddess and was offered a seat amongst the twelve Olympians, is curiously absent from Apollodorus. The myth was extremely ...
Both Dionysus and Demeter were connected to agriculture, renewal, and reincarnation. What Was Dionysus’ Symbol? Dionysus’ main symbols were the grapevine, of course, but his other symbols were the snake and the phallus. In the Greek tradition, he appeared like a beautiful young man. In the...
In today's literature, art, and broader cultural contexts, Aesa's subtle influence can be found, offering a canvas for creative exploration. Contemporary authors, poets, and screenwriters often scour ancient mythologies for characters ripe for reincarnation. Aesa's secretive, under-the-radar presence...
Adonis became synonymous with reincarnation, the seasons, and farming. The Story of Adonis Adonis was born out of wedlock, the result of an incestuous night between a beautiful princess named Myrrha and her father, King Theias, of Syria. It is important to note that there are a few ...
Reincarnation According to some in Elysium, which is considered to be ruled byCronos, live also those who are not yet born. These souls swarm along the banks of the river Lethe (Oblivion). Some say that: "They were all required to drink a measure of the water, and those who were not...
The literary Xuanzang (fig. 1) is the final reincarnation of “Master Golden Cicada” (Jinchan zi, 金蟬子), the fictional second disciple of the Buddha who was exiled to China for ten lifetimes as punishment for being inattentive during a heavenly lecture. His father, Prefect Chen (陳), ...
World follows world, reincarnation follows reincarnation, as day follows night, forever. For the relation of Platonic philosophy to Christian theology, see the articles on Philo Judaeus, Augustine and the latter part of Ethics. Aristotle (384-322 b.c.) was Plato’s student but not Plato’s ...
Even religions were formed through the use of myths, such as reincarnation and some elements of christianity. Today there is even college courses focused just on Native American mythology, and the Natives way of life. Many people still pass on myths and folktales to children and friends, ...
Discussion topics in first session: knowing the self (18); the nature of the soul and reincarnation (19-24); true justice and Greeks’ lack of it (25) Ignorant king’s interjections nonetheless show that not all Indians are...