Inspired by the beloved Chinese epic "Romance of the Three Kingdoms," this game thrusts players into the turbulent final years of the Han dynasty. Players will encounter the many factions, wars and heroes of the saga as they swipe through to make high-stakes decisions, team up with the righ...
王权卡牌游戏最新版是独创的卡牌类策略游戏,简单暗黑系列的卡牌模式,简单的游戏内容和游戏系统,清新的游戏画风!玩家能够全新体验游戏内容,如果你也想玩的话,赶紧来下载吧! 王权手游官方版介绍 《王权》是由开发商 Devolver Digital 制作的一款卡牌策略手游,游戏以王国经营建造为主题,玩法与策略战棋类相似,不同的是本作...
Reigns: Game of Thrones Devolver Digital•棋牌•角色扮演 11 种受支持的语言购买 ¥28.007+ 暗示的暴力详细信息 评价 详细 图库 说明 “王权:权力的游戏”是热门划卡游戏“王权”融合了HBO®获奖剧集《权力的游戏®》剧情改编的游戏,由Nerial工作室及Devolver Digital倾情呈现。通过火之女祭司梅丽珊卓的...
Inspired by the beloved Chinese epic "Romance of the Three Kingdoms," this game thrusts players into the turbulent final years of the Han dynasty. Players will encounter the many factions, wars and heroes of the saga as they swipe through to make high-stakes decisions, team up with the righ...
游戏等级: 游戏厂商:- 应用平台:Android 游戏官网:暂无 ITMOP本地下载 安全下载 通过360手机助手下载 0%(0)差评0%(0) 王权权力的游戏(Reigns Game of Thrones)基于原着改编了全新的史诗故事,以桌游角色扮演玩法体验宏大的世界,大量经典角色等你体验,欢迎感兴趣的朋友来IT猫扑网下载. ...
Inspired by the beloved Chinese epic "Romance of the Three Kingdoms," this game thrusts players into the turbulent final years of the Han...
丰富的剧情和角色 Reigns系列不仅有基础的Reigns(王权)游戏,还有与热门美剧《权力的游戏》联动的特别版《Reigns: Game of Thrones》,为玩家提供了多主角多线路的游玩模式。 每个角色都有独特的卡牌和专属剧情,如龙妈的巨龙、瑟曦的野火等,让玩家在享受治国乐趣的同时,也能深入体验角色的故事。
關於這個 game 轉型更新包括200張新遊戲卡,包括新角色和her下迎接滅亡的新方法! 統治:je下是紅極一時的統治時期的革命性後續行動。文化復興給世界賦予了一個新的知識和啟蒙時代,但貪婪和嫉妒仍然與這位仁慈的女王共謀。智者勝過那些企圖通過向左或向右滑動而使您和您的丈夫喪偶的人,對各種王室事務做出公正(或不公...
Reigns: Game of Thrones is the heir to the award-winning HBO® TV series Game of Thrones® and the smash-hit swipe ‘em up series Reigns from Nerial and Devolver Digital. Through the fiery visions of Melisandre, claim the Iron Throne as Cersei Lannister, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, ...
Reigns: Game of Thrones is the heir to the award-winning HBO® TV series Game of Thrones® and the smash-hit swipe ‘em up series Reigns from Nerial and Devolver Digital. Through the fiery visions of Melisandre, claim the Iron Throne as Cersei Lannister, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, ...