Reigns: Game of Thrones is the heir to the award-winning HBO® TV series Game of Thrones® and the smash-hit swipe ‘em up series Reigns from Nerial and Devolver Digital. Through the fiery visions of Melisandre, claim the Iron Throne as Cersei Lannister, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, ...
對狡猾的政治對手,要採取冬天般無情的策略予以打壓;對麾下搖擺不定的封臣,則要傳遞擲地有聲的命令展示手腕。玩家要贏得民意、維持平衡,盡力延長統治。或許只有這樣,在即將到來的凜冽寒冬之中,方可有一線生機。 發佈者 Devolver Digital 開發者 Nerial 發行日期...
Reigns: Game of Thrones is the heir to the award-winning HBO® TV series Game of Thrones® and the smash-hit swipe ‘em up series Reigns from Nerial and Devolver Digital. Through the fiery visions of Melisandre, claim the Iron Throne as Cersei Lannister, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, ...
Reigns: Game of Thrones Devolver Digital•棋牌•角色扮演 11 种受支持的语言购买 ¥28.007+ 暗示的暴力详细信息 评价 详细 图库 说明 “王权:权力的游戏”是热门划卡游戏“王权”融合了HBO®获奖剧集《权力的游戏®》剧情改编的游戏,由Nerial工作室及Devolver Digital倾情呈现。通过火之女祭司梅丽珊卓的...
王权权力的游戏(Reigns Game of Thrones)基于原着改编了全新的史诗故事,以桌游角色扮演玩法体验宏大的世界,大量经典角色等你体验,欢迎感兴趣的朋友来IT猫扑网下载. 王权权力的游戏汉化版介绍: 王权权力的游戏由Nerial工作室及Devolver Digital倾情呈现.通过火之女祭司梅丽珊卓的视角,玩家可扮演瑟曦·兰尼斯特、琼恩·...
如何评价《王权:权力的游戏》(Reigns: Game of Thrones)? 三千院风 骄傲而忧郁,野蛮而悲伤 只需要支持或反对手下的提案,就可以管理维斯特洛大陆。 但需要在权力、宗教、民意、金钱四项数值中谨慎保持平衡,任何一项数值到顶或归零,都意味着王权的倾覆…阅读全文 赞同2添加评论 分享收藏喜欢...
王权:权力的游戏 Reigns: Game of Thrones豆瓣评分:7.5 简介:Reigns: Game of Thrones is the heir to the award-winning HBO® TV series Game of Thrones® and the smash-hit swipe ‘em up series Reigns from Nerial and Devolver Digital.
Reigns: Game of Thrones is the heir to the award-winning HBO® TV series Game of Thrones® and the smash-hit swipe ‘em up series Reigns from Nerial and Devolver D…
丰富的剧情和角色 Reigns系列不仅有基础的Reigns(王权)游戏,还有与热门美剧《权力的游戏》联动的特别版《Reigns: Game of Thrones》,为玩家提供了多主角多线路的游玩模式。 每个角色都有独特的卡牌和专属剧情,如龙妈的巨龙、瑟曦的野火等,让玩家在享受治国乐趣的同时,也能深入体验角色的故事。