Hence, maintaining the fine-tuned steady-state balance of reactive species production and removal is essential. Here, we discuss new insights into the dynamic maintenance of redox homeostasis (that is, redox homeodynamics) and the principles underlying biological redox organization, termed the ‘redox...
The cholesterol biosynthesis is an intensely regulated process biologically.4The first demonstration of feedback inhibitory loop by the end product in biosynthetic pathways is that cholesterol inhibits its own synthesis intracellularly. In 1933, Rudolph Schoenheimer demonstrated that animals can also synthesi...
Gene Ontology classification analysis of DEGs subjected to biological process. Q1, Q2 and Q3 mean the treatment of Q9 with P. infestans for 1, 3 and 5 dpi, and A1, A2 and A3 mean the treatment of Atl with P. infestans for 1, 3 and 5 dpi. The * in the figure means that the gen...
This process can induce depression-like behaviors in recipient animals, demonstrating a critical role of the gut microbiome in depression onset [13]. However, most of the studies on the issue of depression-associated of microbiota to date have focused on the effects of the “health or depression...
Process for the load dependent, self-regulation of the aeration in a biological wastewater treatment plantA process operates a continuous activated sludge treatment stage of a waste water treatment plant in accordance with load, and in conjunction with a preceding or simultaneous de-nitrification ...
The ability of microorganisms to use nitrogen gas as the sole nitrogen source and engage in symbioses with host plants confers many ecological advantages, but also incurs physiological penalties because the process is oxygen sensitive and energy dependent. Consequently, biological nitrogen fixation is ...
(i)the proper name of the biological product contained in the package; (ii)the name, address, and applicable license number of the manufacturer of the biological product; and (iii)the expiration date of the biological product. (2) (A)The Secretary shall establish, by regulation, requirements...
Genome-wide and transcriptome-wide maps of regulatory elements have substantially contributed to our understanding of the regulation of biological processes such as for example transcription during embryonic development (Göke et al., 2011). The intention of our study was to generate similar transcripto...
Here we have found that the zinc finger transcription factor PQM-1 is a regulator of lipid metabolism and subsequent survival in hypoxic conditions, affecting both parental and progeny survival. Organisms metabolize energy sources through the process of respiration, and fatty acids and carbohydrates are...
The GO terms enriched among the DEGs with FDR-corrected p-values of less than 0.05 were identified. The DEGs in the neocortex and hippocampus were annotated with 86 and 133 GO biological process terms, respectively. In particular, the extracellular structure organization, calcium ion regulated ...