German Past Tense (Imperfect) In German as well as in English the simple past tense (imperfect) is used to describe past events, more literal than conversational, regularly used when writing about the past. The endings for the weak verb are: ich -te, du -test, Sie -ten, er (sie, es...
Regular -ER verbs share conjugation patterns in all tenses and moods. More -ER Verb Conjugations: Penser The rules for conjugating regular -ER verbs remain the same throughout all tenses and moods; that's why they are called "regular" -ER verbs. For your studies, it can be helpful, howev...
just conjugate the verb into its él/ella/usted form (ends with -a or -e), and add exclamations marks to denote that it is a command! Example Regular Command Conjugation: hablar ¡habla! (¡Habla conmigo!) Example Regular Command Conjugation: leer ¡lee! (¡Lee el libro!) Example...
Recueillir isan irregular -ir verb. Is Cueillir an irregular verb French? Cueillir isan irregular verband it does not follow one of the common verb conjugation patterns. ... Then, match the subject pronoun to the present, future, or imperfect past tense to learn the correct verb ending. For...
Easy conjugation table of the verb in French for intern which is interner. Simple and compound verbs. Learn the tenses with our easy tables.. I intern, I interned, you will intern, he may intern, etc