Note: The imperfect tense is often used with these words and expressions: antes (before), muchas veces (many times), en aquella época (at that time), cuando era joven (when I was young), cuando tenía X años (when I was X years old).Still...
imperfect tense -ir and -er 5個詞語 madisoc123 預覽 IRREGULAR -AR pensar 7個詞語 rainykayebooks 預覽 Spanish Exam 1 11個詞語 michaelclements20 預覽 [exam content] spanish tenses 59個詞語 Rena_w1 預覽 Las Frutas 2 13個詞語 claire-welch06 預覽 Spanish- 2ND Speaking Test 老師11個詞語 lovely...
Verb Tables of Conjugation interner PRONOUN TENSE VERB CONJUGATION TABLEinterner Simple Tensesinterner TENSE je/j’ tu il nous vous ils Present Présent interninterneinternesinterneinternonsinternezinternent Past Imperfect Imparfait internedinternaisinternaisinternaitinternionsinterniezinternaient ...