Note: The imperfect tense is often used with these words and expressions: antes (before), muchas veces (many times), en aquella época (at that time), cuando era joven (when I was young), cuando tenía X años (when I was X years old).Still...
Gymglish has allowed me to improve my Spanish. A daily routine I wouldn't miss for anything in the world!More testimonials. Improve your Spanish further and test Hotel Borbollón, online Spanish lessons.« Reflexive verbs and pronouns Regular verbs in the imperfect tense » Our...
German Past Tense (Imperfect) In German as well as in English the simple past tense (imperfect) is used to describe past events, more literal than conversational, regularly used when writing about the past. The endings for the weak verb are: ich -te, du -test, Sie -ten, er (sie, es...
Spanish 3 Final 112個詞語 amayal22 預覽 Spanish IV vocabulary - unit 1 other words 12個詞語 jnerren 預覽 Español Dos, Imperfect tense study set (endings+vosotros) 30個詞語 aidenfuchs 預覽 Adult Health Exam 2 118個詞語 emilymerritts1216 預覽 Verbs Similar to Gustar in Spanish 7個詞語 zacle...
SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE - PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE 热度: Irregular Past Tense Verbs 热度: Present Perfect Tense 热度: AComparisonofthePreteritandtheImperfect ThepreteritandtheimperfectaretwotensesinSpanishusedtotalkaboutthepast. ThepreteritusuallycorrespondstothesimplepastinEnglish,whereastheimperfectis...
-irregular preterite tense ***di, diste, dio, dimos, disteis, dieron ver :to see -irregular in preterite tense ***vi, viste, vio, vimos, visteis, vieron ser (imperfect) :to be -irregular in imperfect tense ***era, eras, era, éramos, erais, eran ...
The imperfect subjunctive is also used in those cases in which the subjunctive is required but the verb of the main clause is in the past tense or conditional. Eg: Llegamos antes de que salierael tren We arrived before the train left ...
Still facing difficulties with 'Regular verbs in the present subjunctive tense'? Learn and enhance your Spanish grammar through our online Spanish course. Start with a free test and improve today! TEST YOUR SPANISH What our users say: Pleasure ...
Spanish ing 31個詞語 GrayPanther90909 預覽 Spanish Vocabulary 24個詞語 robert67w 預覽 4th 6 weeks Speaking Test Sp 1 6個詞語 Juan_Bahena1944 預覽 Tener 6個詞語 mensahjessef 預覽 Spanish Vas A Hacer Questions 10個詞語 GreenHorse37988 預覽 imperfect tense -ir and -er 5個詞語 madisoc123 預覽...
spanish Opi #5 10個詞語 fawhite7 預覽 spanish study 3 12個詞語 Slither_Pickle 預覽 Subjuntivo IR changing 37個詞語 mollyrd12701 預覽 vocab- imperfect 8個詞語 Noelle_Pappas7 預覽 Spanish Verbs in Present Continuous Tense 老師20個詞語 Senorita_Wilson 預覽 Nuevas Vistas Introducción 2 - Los jue...