Regular verbs in the imperfect tense This is how regular verbs are conjugated in the imperfect tense: Estar en Yo estaba Tú estabas Él/ella/usted estaba Nosotros/as estábamos Vosotros/as estabais Ellos/ellas/ustedes estaban Tener en Yo tenía Tú tenías Él/ella/usted tenía Nosotros/...
Now we will have a look at the past tense, also called the imperfect, another very important fact in knowing how to conjugate verbs in German: German Past Tense (Imperfect) In German as well as in English the simple past tense (imperfect) is used to describe past events, more literal th...
Spanish IV vocabulary - unit 1 other words 12個詞語 jnerren 預覽 Español Dos, Imperfect tense study set (endings+vosotros) 30個詞語 aidenfuchs 預覽 Adult Health Exam 2 118個詞語 emilymerritts1216 預覽 Verbs Similar to Gustar in Spanish 7個詞語 zaclei436 預覽 Personality Traits 15個詞語 Gran...
-irregular in preterite tense ***vi, viste, vio, vimos, visteis, vieron ser (imperfect) :to be -irregular in imperfect tense ***era, eras, era, éramos, erais, eran ser (preterite) :to be -irregular in preterite tense ***fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron ...
spanish Opi #5 10個詞語 fawhite7 預覽 spanish study 3 12個詞語 Slither_Pickle 預覽 Subjuntivo IR changing 37個詞語 mollyrd12701 預覽 vocab- imperfect 8個詞語 Noelle_Pappas7 預覽 Spanish Verbs in Present Continuous Tense 老師20個詞語 Senorita_Wilson 預覽 Nuevas Vistas Introducción 2 - Los jue...