写项目的时候,改动了一下正则表达式,然后又改了很多东西,在chrome上一切正常。然后用safari打开,发现报了一个错误: Invalid regular expression: invalid group specifier name 。切回master分支一切正常,确认是新分支上的更改导致的。然后直接谷歌,得到stackoverflow的答案:Works in Chrome, but breaks...
然后用safari打开,发现报了一个错误:Invalid regular expression: invalid group specifier name。切回master分支一切正常,确认是新分支上的更改导致的。然后直接谷歌,得到stackoverflow的答案: Works in Chrome, but breaks in Safari: Invalid regular expression: invalid group specifier name /(?<=/)([^#]+)(?
September 29, 2011 Good approach if you know that the input HTML will not vary much. However, HTML is not a regular language, so if parsing HTML from many different sources, RegEx is a poor choice. See this StackOverflow thread (in particular the selected a...
The string value uses double quotes around each film title. We can use these to identify whether we need to split on a comma (or not). TheSplitmethod is not powerful enough, so we can use a regular expression instead. You can read a fuller explanation inthis Stack Overflow articlethat i...
Description I have been missing a core function in PHP to validate a regular expression. I am therefore proposing something like preg_validate(). There are some workarounds mentioned in this StackOverflow thread. But from my understandin...
SQlite3是支持REGEXP语句的,但是python下运行sqlite3,却说解析“REGEXP”失败,如何让python下可能使用REGEXP呢? importsqlite3importredefregexp(expr, item): reg=re.compile(expr)returnreg.search(item)isnotNone conn= sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
Regular Expressions in Ruby and RailsRegular expressions in Rails are bracketed by forward-slash, so a regular expression looks like this: /[0-9]*/. You can put all your usual modifiers after the second slash (such as i for case-insensitivity). Gone are other programming languages’ ...
stackoverflow Click me to see the solution 51.Write a Python program to insert spaces between words starting with capital letters. Click me to see the solution 52.Write a Python program that reads a given expression and evaluates it.
In other words, thePatternis a "fixed representation" of the regular expression. All of the logic around performing a match— and hence, any state thatchangesduring a match operation— is held in theMatcherobject. It is alsosafe to construct matchers without synchronization(using the call toPa...
In: Deadly Regular Expressions | Tags: Regular Expression | 0 Comments 19 SEP 2014 "You can't parse [X]HTML with regex." The only explanation I'll give for the following code it to provide this link to my favorite Stack Overflow answer. #!/usr/bin/env ruby -w require "open-uri...