Most special characters lose their meaning and represent ordinary characters when they occur inside a bracket expression. For more information, see "Characters in Bracket Expressions" inLists of Matching Characters (Scripting). Metacharacters The following table contains a list of multiple-character metach...
Uungreedy: swap meaning of x* and x*?, x+ and x+?, etc (default false) Flag syntax isxyz(set) or-xyz(clear) orxy-z(setxy, clearz). Empty strings ^at beginning of text or line (m=true) $at end of text (like \z not \Z) or line (m=true) ...
The table below shows how to construct a regular expression search for special characters: To find: Use the regular expression: newline characters \n tabs \t .(dot), *, ?, ^, and other metacharacters used in regular expression searches \., \*, \?, \^, and so on.Parent...
Most special characters lose their meaning and represent ordinary characters when they occur inside a bracket expression. For more information, see "Characters in Bracket Expressions" inLists of Matching Characters. Metacharacters The following table contains a list of multiple-character metacharacters and...
The\dcode represents “any digit.” The backslash (\) character is called the escape character, and combined with the character that follows it (in this case the letter d), it has special meaning in the regular expression. The following regular expression defines the pattern of the letters ...
For example, the terminology rule regular expression, "/a.b/", matches all text where there is an "a" followed by any single character, followed by a "b", as in, "a5b". * The asterisk matches the preceding pattern or character zero or more times. For example, "/fo*/" matches ...
If the first character ofbracket_expressionis either a dash (-) or a closing square bracket (]), then it is interpreted literally rather than being given special meaning. For example, regular expression[-abc]matches any line containing-,a,b, orc. ...
If you don’t get how that all works yet, don’t worry: I’ll explain the whole expression a little at a time in this chapter. If you will just follow the examples (and those throughout the book, for that matter), writing regular expressions will soon become second nature to you. ...
Any character with special meaning in regular expressions that you want to match literally (for example, use \\ to match a single backslash) Quantifiers Quantifiers specify the number of times a pattern must occur in the matching text. Quantifier Number of Times Expression Occurs Example expr* 0...
Suppose you want to find the email address inside the string 'xyz purple monkey'. We'll use this as a running example to demonstrate more regular expression features. Here's an attempt using the pattern r'\w+@\w+': ...