Verdict:TestingXperts is the provider of quality assurance and software testing services. It has 11 global offices and 6 test labs in the UK, USA, and India. TestingXperts provides DevOps ready integrated test automation framework, Tx-Automate. It includes techniques and practices that will redu...
R. Kavitha, N. Sureshkumar, "Test Case Prioritization for Regression Testing based on Severity of Fault," College of Engineering and Technology Madurai, Tamilnadu, India (IJCSE) International Jthenal on Computer Science and Engineering 2010.
RandWilcox, inIntroduction to Robust Estimation and Hypothesis Testing (Third Edition), 2012 11.10.4R Function larsR Another method for identifying the best predictors that is based on what is called the lasso (Tibshirani, 1996). And a related approach is leastangle regression; seeEfron, Hastie...
Calculated compressive strength, water absorption, and density of RHCB is compared against those obtained through laboratory testing as part of the performance analysis. Performance is evaluated using four indicators the accuracy of the equations used in the study. The MAE72, RMSE73, the VAF74, an...
In this study, the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of rock samples has been predicted using a novel machine learning (ML) algorithm. The efficacy of the algorithm was evaluated by testing the same on a tiny dataset with only 47 samples as well as a large dataset with 170 samples. The...
[32] IS 2770-Part-1-1967, Methods Of Testing Bond In Reinforced Concrete, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India. [33] ASTM C642, Standard test method for density, absorption and voids in hardened concrete,American Society for Testing and Materials, United States. [34] ASTM C1585...
In: 2009 International conference on control, automation, communication and energy conservation, Perundurai, Tamilnadu, India, 2009, pp. 1–7. Accessed 25 Mar 2019. Astakhov VP, Galitsky VV. Tool life testing in gundrilling: an application...
2012 International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Science and Management: ICAESM 2012, Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, India, 30-31 March 2012, pages 1-894, v.1Event driven test case selection for regression testing web applications - Kumar, Goel - 2012...
To predict the value of thermal conductivity of two different specimens, a new testing method is proposed using multiple linear regression analysis. In the new testing method, the issue of multicollinearity (statistical dependency between two predictors) was addressed by manipulating the top and bottom...
Reddy, Baktha N. B. (Tamil Nadu, IN) Kumar, Senthil (Tamil Nadu, IN) Reddy, Vilambi Nrk (Tamil Nadu, IN) Torgalkar, Anil (Cranbury, NJ, US) Murugan N. R. (Tamil Nadu, IN) Application Number: 11/395944 Publication Date: