Marco Reis, in Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2016 Abstract Regression methods are pervasive in most data-driven predictive studies performed with industrial and laboratorial data. They provide the means to obtain reliable estimates of output variables (related to product quality or other properties...
The rationale for opting for a quadratic model over other models in Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is rooted in its capacity to account for nonlinearity, curvature, and complex interactions among variables, thereby ensuring a more accurate representation of the underlying system. This choice is p...
It was observed that MS Coherence between the signals with similar nature is higher than it in between the signals with dissimilar nature. T-paired test was carried out to show that the means of these two coherences is different. Coherence between EEG-EEG was compared with coherence between...
The ridge regression model was developed by means of the Python programming and Google Colab, an open-source online compiler for the ML was used for the code compilation process. Based on the result, the minimum price was found to be 6520.8 dollars, with the basic customer requirements such ...
k-Means++: the advantages of careful seeding. In: Proceedings of the eighteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms, 2007, pp. 1027–1035. Steinbach M, Karypis G, Kumar V. A comparison of document clustering techniques. In: KDD workshop on text mining, 2000, pp. 525–526. ...
A study intended to forecast the rice yield through support vector regression by including the influencing parameters such as soil nitrogen, rice stem weight, and rice grain weight was performed in [4]. Applications of data mining techniques such as k-means clustering, k-nearest neighbors (KNN)...
Model’s prediction for Italy and the USA were quite negative, which means that daily new cases of deaths and confirmed cases will grow. Sedaghat et al. [62] use the susceptible-infectious-recovered-deceased (SIRD) model to predict trends of COVID-19 in Kuwait. As the model input, CO...
The aim of this study was to estimate the effects of climate on childhood diarrhoea hospitalisations across six administrative divisions in Bangladesh and to provide scientific evidence for local health authorities for disease control and prevention. Fortnightly hospital admissions (August/2013–June/2017...
(1) As regards Equation (1), the total uncertainties for exhaust gases is ±0.9%, which means that the examined results are reliable. 2.3. Engine Noise MeasurementAny sound source may be characterized primarily by its pressure, intensity, and power. A person can sense noises between 20 μ...
Specifically, using a dummy variable means encoding data within a variable so that it can only assume the value of 0 or 1. The dummy variable is, therefore, a binary numeric variable, a dichotomous nominal qualitative measure. Regarding construction characteristics, some variables are measured ...