The meaning of REGION is an administrative area, division, or district; especially : the basic administrative unit for local government in Scotland. How to use region in a sentence.
Specific sagittal plane,midsagittal or median planelocated in the midline divides the body into equal halves, passing through midline structures like the navel or spine. When combined with the umbilical plane, the midsagittal plane distinguishes the four quadrants of the abdomen in the human body. ...
Locating and positioning the various organs and structures of the human body is simplified through the division of the body into cavities. The two major cavities are the ventral (meaning anterior or front) and the dorsal (meaning posterior ...
The reference standard consisted of manually-labeled small bowel segmentation. The method reduced the voxel-based false positive rate of small bowel segmentation from 19.7%±3.9% to 5.9%±2.3%, with two-tailed P-value < 0.0001. 展开 关键词: Colon Image segmentation Sensors Arteries Abdomen ...
A method of repairing diseased or dysfunctional pancreas or liver is provided. The method involves preparation of a suspension of stem cells and/or progenitor cells such as biliary
There are many instances in which a practitioner must access the chest, abdomen, or pelvis, and insert a drainage tube, or chest tube. Examples of these instances include: collapsed lung, lung infection, bleeding in the chest cavity, fluid or air buildup due to other medical conditions or ...
The human abdomen is divided into quadrants for anatomists, medical personnel, and students to examine the abdominal region more precisely. Abdominal quadrants refer to the four main areas that represent the divisions of the abdomen. Right Upper Quadrant (RUQ) The Right Upper Quadrant (RUQ) is wh...
Acne affects the skin’s sebaceous (oil) glands, which can become clogged, forming red spots, comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) or deep papules, pustules, nodules or cysts. The most severe form of acne, which usually requires medical treatment, is cystic acne. Fortunately, there are a va...