Medical Idioms Encyclopedia Related to Regions:Temperate regions re·gion (rē′jən) n. 1. a.A large, usually continuous segment of a surface or space:the upper regions of the atmosphere. b.A portion of the earth's surface distinguished from others by some characteristic:the coastal region...
Popular in Grammar & Usage See All Democracy or Republic: What's the difference? Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up ...
Also found in: Medical. abdominal regions[ab′däm·ə·nəl ′rē·jənz] (anatomy) Nine theoretical areas delineated on the abdomen by two horizontal and two parasagittal lines: above, the right hypochondriac, epigastric, and left hypochondriac; in the middle, the right lateral, ...
inframammary region the part of the pectoral region inferior to the breast, bordered inferiorly by the hypochondriac region of the abdomen. inguinal region inguen. lateral region either of the abdominal regions that are in central lateral locations, one to the left (left lateral region) and one...
MSD PancreasCTAbdomen2281 MSD ProstateMRIPelvis264 MSD SpleenCTAbdomen141 MyoPS2020MRIThorax6135 NSCLCCTThorax285
The moving tissues(lungs, mediastinum, and abdomen) and less‐moving tissues (the rest) are segmented at each respiratory phase. Deformable registration between phases was conducted in two different ways and compared. The first method registers the entire CT volume at once. The other method ...
The Implementation of Paper: Partition A Medical Image: Extracting Multiple Representative Sub-Regions for Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation AbstractFew-shot Medical Image Segmentation (FSMIS) is a more promising solution for medical image segmentation tasks where high-quality annotations are naturally ...
Table 4: Thresholds applied to infer bounding boxes on the Totalsegmentator dataset. Noise in the Totalsegmentator labels cause too large bounding boxes when using a threshold of 0. The thresholds were obtained by increasing the threshold until the visual inspection of the bounding box in the at...
Specific sagittal plane,midsagittal or median planelocated in the midline divides the body into equal halves, passing through midline structures like the navel or spine. When combined with the umbilical plane, the midsagittal plane distinguishes the four quadrants of the abdomen in the human body....
a region of the abdomen, on either side of the hypogastric regions, and below the lumbar regions hypogastric region Region on the surface of the abdominopelvic area. it is inferior to the umbilical region and medial to the inguinal regions....