There is a need to promote models of governance based on collaboration rather than competition between government entities. At the level of local government, collaborative partnerships that are sustainable can be reached between adjoining councils contributing as equals and driven by common values and ...
31], and that there is desire in refugee populations for volunteering opportunities [21], there appears to be little research investigating the perceived impacts of volunteering on health and wellbeing in refugee populations. Thus, the aim of this study was to address this gap in research, ...
[5]. Four key components - food availability, accessibility, acceptability and adequacy are highlighted in this definition of food security by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations. Food insecurity can have significant lifelong consequences on the health and wellbeing of population...
The Southern Regional Organisation of Councils: Event Policy 1974-2004Whitford, MichelleAustralian Voice
This article, then, presents an interpretative analysis of event policy developed from 1974-2004 by five local governments in south-east Queensland who are members of the Southern Regional Organisation of Councils [SOUTHROC]. An interpretative research design was developed for the study that sought ...
The Regional Organisation of Further and Higher Education: A Future for Regional Advisory Councils?The developing roles of Regional Advisory Councils (RACs) are examined from their inception in 1946 to the present time. The focus of the examination is on the role of matching the provision of ...
The purpose of this qualitative study was to analyse and evaluate public policies pertaining to events produced from 1980 to 2002 by the Northern Sub-Regional Organisation of Councils (NORSROC) located in South East Queensland's Sunshine Coast, Australia. The seven NORSROC local governments are ...
There is a need to promote models of governance based on collaboration rather than competition between government entities. At the level of local government, collaborative partnerships that are sustainable can be reached between adjoining councils contributing as equals and driven by common values and ...