作者: LGAOS Australia 摘要: The LGA is the voice of Local Government in South Australia. Councils Work together through the Local Government Association of SA. South Australians depend on local Councils for economic, social and environmental support. Councils maintain libraries, local roads, recycli...
The purpose of this qualitative study was to analyse and evaluate public policies pertaining to events produced from 1980 to 2002 by the Northern Sub-Regional Organisation of Councils (NORSROC) located in South East Queensland's Sunshine Coast, Australia. The seven NORSROC local governments are ...
New South WalesIntense financial pressure and threats of dissolution through amalgamation in local government structural reform programs have forced regional and rural councils across Australia to consider new organizational arrangements for service delivery. As a consequence, an ingenious array of ...
Large airports (and inner city regional airports) have forged strong alliances with surrounding planning councils; much of which was done before the revision of the Airports Act 1996 which mandated stakeholder committees. The development of a more network governance approach in this case has improved...
Participants also described how many local shops had closed in the suburbs where most Aboriginal families live and that there had been a lack of ongoing commitment from their local councils to ensure adequate infrastructure in their communities. As an ACCHS staff member explained, “lots of shops ...
perceived impacts of volunteering on health and wellbeing in refugee populations. Thus, the aim of this study was to address this gap in research, and examine how employment or volunteering influences the health and wellbeing of refugees settled in a regional area of New South Wales, Australia....
Integrated management councils a conceptual model for ocean policy conflict in Australia Ocean and Coastal Management (2003) Hill R. World First Plan to safeguard our oceans. Media Release for the Minister of Environment and Heritage and... Commonwealth of Australia. Australia's Oceans Policy: carin...
Sea level rise and allowances for Coastal Councils around Australia–Guidance material. CSIRO Report for NCCARF (CSIRO, 2016). Stocker, T. F. et al. IPCC, 2013: Summary for Policymakers. In Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis, Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth ...
Regional Organisations of Councils (ROCs): The Emergence of Network Governance in Metropolitan and Rural Australia? E. and Witherby, A. (2003) Regional Organisations of Councils (ROCs): The Emergence of Network Governance in Metropolitan and Rural Australia, ... N Marshall,B Dollery,A Witherby...
multi-level perspective (MLP) as developed by Geels and Schot (2007), the presence of food councils, community-support agriculture (CSA), and other niche actors indicate that there are initiatives that are seeking to alter the socio-technical regime (Morrissey et al.2014). In addition, the ...