Was hoping someone could show me how to replicate that functionality in SQL Server as I am not exactly sure what that regex is doing. Monday, March 12, 2018 5:21 PM Thank you for the explanation! Now to re-write...
SQL Server 2008 finds database in .BAK, but SQL Server 2008 R2 does not We received a .bak file as an export from an Act! database. My understanding is that this is a SQL Server backup that can be restored to SQL Server. When I try to restore it to SQL Server 2008 Express......
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE demo2 (id INT, string1 VARCHAR); INSERT INTO demo2 (id, string1) VALUES (2, 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.'), (3, 'In the string the extra spaces are redundant.'), (4, 'A thespian theater is nearby.'); SELECT * FROM demo2...
invalid receiver error when using Gin Gonic framework in Go I am trying to use an external (non anonymous) function in the routing of my Gin based web server as shown below: But I get 2 errors: I am wondering how I can use anonymous functions in my endpoint ha... ...
...ORA-01722: 无效数字 SQL Server 执行直接报错,但是提示信息更加清晰明了,说的就是字段 a 的值 "测试a" 不能转成 INT 数值型。...小结 通过以上对比,可以知道 Oracle 和 SQL Server 对 "字符型=数值型" 的条件,会自动将字符型类型转成数值型,如果因为值的问题不能转成数值型,就会提示错误,而...
I need some help converting this from Oracle to SQL Server in the most efficient way possible: REGEXP_SUBSTR (TZ."ZONE", '([^\]*)(\|$)', 1, 1, NULL, 1) || REGEXP_SUBSTR (TZ."ZONE", '([^\]*)(\|$)', 1, 4, NULL, 1) ...
In this case, the returned values are the individual letters of the word MAN. SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(string1, 'A\\W+(\\w)(\\w)(\\w)', 1, 1, 'e', 1) AS result1, REGEXP_SUBSTR(string1, 'A\\W+(\\w)(\\w)(\\w)', 1, 1, 'e', 2) AS result2, REGEXP_SUBSTR(string...
如何在Hive中执行EXCEPT子句(如SQL)我希望找到仅在表1中而不是在表2中的in列表。表1orange表2orange 在SQL中,可以执行but子句(),但在Hive中不能这样做 浏览1提问于2012-06-04得票数 14 回答已采纳 2回答 分隔列值以选择最后两个字符串 、、、
在postgres sql中,我使用regexp_substr函数解析出‘.5G’,如果它出现在productname列的字符串中。(我已经在下面包含了示例代码)。在pyspark方面,我尝试使用regexp_extract函数,但它只返回null。我将postgres中的regexp_replace函数的输出与pyspark进行了比较