Remove/Replace/Extract Words With Repeating Characterstext.var
mark');<benchmark:22159.769ms// 22 seconds>// You can guess what would happen if you test the RegEx with 100 repeating characters. console.time('benchmark'); /^(([a-z])+.)+[A-Z]([a-z])+$/.test( 'a'.repeat(100) ); console.timeEnd('benchmark');< As...
Find repeating patterns (that you do not know in advance) in string Find the .csproj path of a .cs file programatically using c# find url from a text file in C# Finding all connected USB Devices and their Friendly Names Finding all special characters in a text file Fire event before selec...
It may be useful to filter out words with repeating characters which are not really words at all. p1 <- "aaaahahahahaha that was a good banana joke ahahah haha aha harhar" gsub('\\b(\\S+?)\\1\\S*\\b', '', p1, perl = TRUE) ## [1] " that was a good banana joke aha...
You try to match a number of characters'*'and use a second quantifier on top of it such as'*+'. Avoid this error by escaping the first quantifier symbol'\*'. Oftentimes, the error appears if you don’t properly escape the special quantifier meta-characters in your regex pattern. ...
characters.count)) let matches = { String(fileText[Range($0.range, in: fileText)!]) } print(matches) } catch { print(error) } 0.12 - Rust extern crate regex; use std::fs::File; use std::io::prelude::*; use regex::Regex; fn main() { let mut f = File::open...
Java 8 Parses an IANA Media Type value. Doesn't seem to capture repeating parameters, which is a bit of an edge case but valid I think - any suggestions on how to fix would be appreciated. Submitted byscottbdr-6 months ago 1
Crude CSV regex to split only by characters surrounded by non-whitespace characters. Ignore that it dosen't highlight all of the other commas in the editor. If you select the g regex flag it will properly show here, but not work in Java. Credit to @merosity (Merosity#0135) on Discord...
So the rule needs to be restricted to capture characters and whitespace up to the next name-value pair only. Capture just the attribute you need To capture just the pizza value, you can use another lookahead. The following rule captures any character that is not an equal sign. This should...
I would like to put a Unicode character in the replacement string, e.g. {U+2013} (an en dash). That works OK with a normal AHK hotstring but when using RegExHotstring you simply get the same characters i.e. {U+2013} Is there a work-around? Many thanks! TopDisplay...