如果你使用的是Perl,你可以用下面的表达式 * 替换 * 它:
Remove/Replace/Extract Words With Repeating Characterstext.var
Find repeating patterns (that you do not know in advance) in string Find the .csproj path of a .cs file programatically using c# find url from a text file in C# Finding all connected USB Devices and their Friendly Names Finding all special characters in a text file Fire event before selec...
字符串 如前所述,它捕获第一组中的每个事件并替换为单个字符。在v8.0上测试,似乎适用于您的示例。
It may be useful to filter out words with repeating characters which are not really words at all. p1 <- "aaaahahahahaha that was a good banana joke ahahah haha aha harhar" gsub('\\b(\\S+?)\\1\\S*\\b', '', p1, perl = TRUE) ## [1] " that was a good banana joke aha...
This would match all three-letter words. But what if you want to match a five- or eight-character word. The above method is tedious. There’s a better way to express such a pattern using the{}curly braces notation. All you have to do is specify the number of repeating characters. Her...
Find and replace a string in the registry Find and Replace special characters text in file Find and Replace Text in a File Find bridge head server Find certificates issued by specific CA? Find Computer Name of the PC that a user is currently logged from their AD Username Find Computers AD ...
Often repeating words while typing? This handy case insensitive PCRE regex will be very helpful. $text = preg_replace("/s(w+s)1/i", "$1", $text); »Source Remove Repeated Punctuation Same php regex as above, but this one will look for repeated punctuation within a string. Goodbye ...
Sometimes I have to use regular expression or “regex” searches to parse a bunch of text, but I can’t remember how to use the search function to find a particular sequence of character and then reuse those found characters in the text I’m trying to replace it with. In Notepad++, th...