This is different from an asylum-seeker: 'in the UK an asylum-seeker is someone who has asked the Government for refugee status and is waiting to hear the outcome of their application' (United Nations High Commission for Refugees, 2014). An immigrant is someone who leaves her/his country ...
根据OED,1944年美国报纸文章上第一次出现该词:“The Refugees..or, as they term these people here..the Displaced Persons.”现在,D.P.还可以更广泛用于一位“因为军事或政治压力而从本国搬出”的人。在牛津语料库中检索displaced people一词,只产生664...
英文: The suffering in the refugee camps is great.中文: 在难民营里的苦难是大的。英文: To a refugee, she is the city of hope.中文: 对恋人而言,她是浪漫之都。英文: What if I am a refugee or asylum seeker?中文: 如果我是难民或政治避难者,该怎么办?
Smith, Cilel (2011): The learning experiences of refugee and asylum- seeker-children: a model for meaningful learning. I: Evers, Sandra J.T.M., Catrien Notermans & Erik van Ommering, red. Not just a victim: The child as catalyst and witness of contemporary Africa...
Google Share on Facebook RASP (redirected fromRefugee & Asylum Seekers Project) Category filter: AcronymDefinition RASPRanger Assessment and Selection Program(Fort Benning, GA; US Army) RASPRuntime Application Self-Protection(security technology) ...
15.What if I am a refugee or asylum seeker?如果我是难民或政治避难者,该怎么办? 16.Our country is a sanctuary for political refugees from all over the world.我国是全世界政治难民的避难所. 17.Belgium granted asylum to the political refugees.比利时给予政治难民避难权。 18.The Palestinian refugees...
Asylum seekers(寻求庇护者)和 displaced people(流离失所者) 虽然asylum seeker 在语义上与 refugee 很接近,表示“a person who has left their home country as a political refugee and is seeking asylum in another”,达到每百万字0.7的出现频率。但在媒体上从未像 refugee 一样受到关注,达到每百万字 32.12 ...
orpoliticalopinion; isoutsidethecountrytheybelongtoornormallyresidein,and isunableorunwillingtoreturnhomeforfearofpersecution.Whilstsomeoneiswaitingfortheirapplicationtobeconsidered,theyareknownasan'asylumseeker'.Peoplewhoarenotrecognisedasrefugeescommonlyreferredtoas“failedasylumseekers”.Doesnotnecessarilymeantheyare...
asylum seeker émigré displaced person runaway fugitive escapee stateless person Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, o...