Refugee chefs, asylum seeker chefs, refugee catering, refugee events, refugee businesses, asylum-seeker businesses, social enterprise, social impact, refugees
According to the United Nations High Commission on Refugees, the number of 'People of Concern' continues to escalate, particularly through the effects of protracted war, oppressive regimes and climate-based disasters like floods and droughts. Among these people are 'refugees' who face persecution in...
well-foundedfearofpersecutionforreasonsofrace, religion,nationality,membershipofaparticularsocialgroup, orpoliticalopinion; isoutsidethecountrytheybelongtoornormallyresidein, and isunableorunwillingtoreturnhomeforfearofpersecution. Whilstsomeoneiswaitingfortheirapplicationtobeconsidered,they areknownasan'asylumseeker...
Refugee and asylum-seeker inflows in the United States and other OECD member statesChad Haddal
Places of exclusion and inclusion: Asylum-Seeker and refugee experiences of neighbourhoods in the UK. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 34 (3), 491-510.Spicer, N. (2009). "Places of Exclusion and Inclusion: Asylum-Seeker and Refugee Experiences of Neighbourhoods in the UK." Journal ...
Gosden, Diane. 2006a. "'What If No One Had Spoken Out Against This Policy?' The Rise of the Asylum Seeker and Refugee Advocacy in Australia." PORTAL: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies 3(1):1-21.Gosden, D., `What if no one had spoken out against this policy? The rise...
asylum seeker status, and speaking Dari or Farsi. Additional background information about the participants can be found in Table1. The study had a balanced number of male and female PRHs, with most participants being between 25 and 35 years old. We included both refugees and asylum seekers. ...
Smith, C. (2011). The Learning Experiences Of Refugee And Asylum-Seeker Children: A Model For Meaningful Learning. Not Just a Victim: The Child as Catalyst and Witness of Contemporary Africa, 20, 197.Smith, Cilel (2011): The learning experiences of refugee and asylum-...