Asylum seekersTraumaMental ill healthSupportThe complex mental health needs of refugee and asylum seeker (RAS) communities, often resulting from past trauma, are not met by overburdened and inadequate service provision. Pre-displacement, in-transit, and post-settlement traumas create a specific set ...
Refugee and asylum-seeker inflows in the United States and other OECD member states 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 69 作者: CC Haddal 摘要: According to the United Nations High Commission on Refugees, the number of 'People of Concern' continues to escalate, particularly through the effects ...
Pronunciation: In British English, it's pronounced as [ˌrefjuˈdʒi:], and in American English, it's pronounced as [ˌrɛfjʊˈdʒi]. Etymology: The word "refugee" originated from the French "réfugié", which means "escapee" or "asylum seeker." It first appeared in t...
asylumseekerAustraliafriendshiprefugeevolunteerCare‐based interventions insituations of injustice are often characterised as separate from political activism. Critics argue that care‐based activities fail to address the causes of suffering, allowing structural issues to go unchallenged. Through an empirical ...
总的来说,"refugee"通常指被批准为难民的人,"asylum seeker"是正在寻求庇护或避难的人,尚未被确认或批准为难民,"exile"指被迫离开国家的人。 文末一言 The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it. 障碍越大,克服它所带来的荣耀就越大。
Refugees and asylum seekers are at a higher risk than the host population to poor health and financial stress. This study uses a unique longitudinal panel from Australia, the Building a New life in Australia (BNLA cohort) to understand the relationship over time between the social determinants ...
The important triad of cognitions about ‘the self, the world and the future’ are all potentially challenged by the experiences of being an asylum seeker arriving in a new country and school, leading to a toxic triad of negative thoughts likely to impact on their interpretation of what is ...
In turn, it was found that focusing on the individual child's experiences, agency and interdependencies is a necessary approach to such research.doi:10.1163/ej.9789004204003.i-276.72Smith, CilelBrill Academic PublishersSmith, C. (2011). The Learning Experiences Of Refugee An...
Asylum seekers(寻求庇护者)和 displaced people(流离失所者) 虽然asylum seeker 在语义上与 refugee 很接近,表示“a person who has left their home country as a political refugee and is seeking asylum in another”,达到每百万字0.7的出现频率。但在媒体上从未像 refugee 一样受到关注,达到每百万字 32.12...