SupportThe complex mental health needs of refugee and asylum seeker (RAS) communities, often resulting from past trauma, are not met by overburdened and inadequate service provision. Pre-displacement, in-transit, and post-settlement traumas create a specific set of mental health needs which ...
Helping refugee families find a new home and life in the UK. Through the Community Sponsorship Programme of the Home Office, we have the opportunity to resettle refugee families, giving them a chance to rebuild their lives and future. Find out more Asylum Seeker Support Providing social connecti...
Refugee chefs, asylum seeker chefs, refugee catering, refugee events, refugee businesses, asylum-seeker businesses, social enterprise, social impact, refugees
well-foundedfearofpersecutionforreasonsofrace, religion,nationality,membershipofaparticularsocialgroup, orpoliticalopinion; isoutsidethecountrytheybelongtoornormallyresidein, and isunableorunwillingtoreturnhomeforfearofpersecution. Whilstsomeoneiswaitingfortheirapplicationtobeconsidered,they areknownasan'asylumseeker...
Egypt hosts more than 288,000 refugees and asylum seekers, 32% of whom are children and youth of school age. UNHCR Egypt supports refugees and asylum seeker families with school-age children by providing education grants for their enrollment in Egyptian public schools under the supervision of the...
An asylum seeker, on the other hand, is in the process of having their asylum application reviewed. This does not grant them the same privileges as a refugee and they often are unable to work, access healthcare and receive less financial support (Refugee Council of Australia 2018). 2 Unauth...
Gosden, Diane. 2006a. "'What If No One Had Spoken Out Against This Policy?' The Rise of the Asylum Seeker and Refugee Advocacy in Australia." PORTAL: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies 3(1):1-21.Gosden, D., `What if no one had spoken out against this policy? The rise...
Additionally, clinicians working with refugees and asylum seekers are often required to work in the context of immigration detention and uncertainty for clients' futures, potentially compounding the already difficult nature of trauma therapy and further impacting clinician wellbeing. There is a paucity ...
refugee 翻译 refugee 翻译基本解释 ●refugee:难民