Refseq mRNA:包含了NCBI Refseq 数据库中编码蛋白质的mRNA。适用于序列类型为mRNA的情况。 Refseq RNA(refseq_rna):包含了NCBI Refseq 数据库中编码蛋白质的mRNA和非编码RNA,包括NCBI Refseq 数据库中的NM_,NR_,XM_,XR_序列。适用于序列类型为mRNA、lncRNA等的情况。 Refseq representative genomes:以最小冗余度...
ensemble网站下载RefSeq mRNA 序列 ensembl下载基因组 参考基因组及注释下载 现有比对工具在做mapping之前,都需要下载对应物种的参考基因组做index,而如何选择合适的参考基因组是一件非常重要的事情。 现有的参考基因组存储网站三个: ENSEMBL UCSC NCBI UCSC 的命名是hg/mm系列,之前最常用的就是hg19参考基因组了。 ENSE...
同样地,使用Ensembl的BioMart在线工具,在Filters那里选择RefSeq mRNA ID(s),然后将想要转换的ID复制粘贴进去: Figure 然后在Attributes那里选择NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) ID、Gene name和RefSeq mRNA ID。接着,点击左上角的"Results",并保存下载。
NC表示人类基因组DNA的RefSeq。(链接序列)NM表示mRNA的RefSeq。NP表示蛋白质的RefSeq 查找基因的基本信息的方法如下:根据文献中已知的基因ID如果你在文献中看到你感兴趣的基因,而且文中还提到了 基因在Genbank中的ID号,那就好办了,直接打开 ,在Search后的下拉框中选择Nucleotide,把Genbank ID号输入...
The top five RefSeq RNAs that are exclusively identified by FANSe2 in A549 mRNA-seq dataset.ChuanLe XiaoZhiBiao MaiXinLei LianJiaYong ZhongJingjie JinQingYu HeGong Zhang
We have analyzed all mRNA sequences in the RefSeq database and found that coding regions of about 0.1% of the total mRNA sequences begin with a non-AUG codon (nonAUG mRNAs). Major fraction of non-AUG mRNAs is predicted from genomic sequences. More than 100 non-AUG sequences are highly...
The top 20 RefSeq RNAs that are exclusively identified by Bowtie2 in A549 mRNA-seq dataset.ChuanLe XiaoZhiBiao MaiXinLei LianJiaYong ZhongJingjie JinQingYu HeGong Zhang
Mapping of S0 (poly(dT) selected transcripts) against RefSeq mRNA.Antheia KissopoulouJon JonassonTomas L. LindahlAbdimajid Osman
RefSeq ID numbers of HARS and HARS2 mRNA sequences used for molecular phylogenetic analysis of the HARS gene family in animals.Ashley L., WaldronSara, Helms CahanChristopher S., FranklynAlicia M., Ebert