District nurses' perceptions of the concept of delegating administration of medication to home care aides working in the municipality: A discrepancy betwee... Aims and objectives. To describe district nurses' perceptions of the concept of delegating medication management to unlicensed personnel working ...
medication administrationrole‐playAims and objectives The aim of this study was to describe the effect that immersive simulation experiences and guided reflection can have on the undergraduate nurses' understanding of how stressful environments impact their emotions, performance and ability to implement ...
My job consists of; -Medication administration (if needed) -Recording of & signing for medication -Personal care -Preparation of meals -Confidentiality When I started my employment I signed a contract consisting of my terms and conditions. I had to sign to accept that I would do a ...
medication administrationreflectionrole-playundergraduate nursesAims and objectivesThe aim of this study was to describe the effect that immersive simulation experiences and guided reflection can have on the undergraduate nurses' understanding of how stressful environments impact their emotions, performance and...
The medication history was considered too intricate to detail for the narrow scope of this study. While exploring its relationship with drug therapy could provide valuable insights into these dimensions, it may serve as a focal point for a future longitudinal study. It should also be considered ...