Usage of “et al.” in an in-text citation When providing a citation for a source with four or more authors, the following format is used in Harvard style: (Surname of the first authoret al., Year of publication) Example: “Continuous flow LVAS rely on pressure gradients between th...
316. AlthoughSmith argues that ___, a better way to frame the issue is ___ 注释:frame动词 317. This findingis congruent with the work of Smith (1799), which/who ___ 注释:which表Smith工作,who表Smith个人 318. Smith (citedin Jones, 1799) defines ___ as ___ 319. As Smith(1799) ...
There is not much information about it in open access, so it can be tough even with our experience. With that said, once you gain access to some useful resources, it becomes much less complicated. As such, we have found some essential concepts with examples and compiled them for easy ...
Gatsby’s infatuation with Daisy is often revealed in the story, often in simple phrases such as, “… he turned toward her with a rush of emotion” (Fitzgerald, 2004). 如果文本中已经给出了原作者的姓名,则括号中只需要包含出版年份即可。例如: Fitzgerald’s use of “old sport” throughout ...
范例:Gatsby’s infatuation with Daisy is often revealed in the story, often in simple phrases such as, “… he turned toward her with a rush of emotion” (Fitzgerald, 2004). 2. 如果文本中已经给出了原作者的姓名,则括号中只需要包含出版年份即可。
2)Book with multiple authors 多位作者 在文本中引用: 如果是2-3位作者,可以将所有作者都写上,例如: Wallace and Wolf (2006) found that... Globalization is a theory that has many concepts... (Wallace & Wolf 2006). 如果是4位及以上的作者,则写第一位作者名,并进行省略,例如: ...
While other positive psychology constructs (e.g., resilience, hope, core self-evaluations, social support) have been studied in people with MS (Alschuler et al., 2018; Arewasikporn et al., 2018; Farber et al., 2015; Lee et al., 2020; Lynch et al., 2001; Madan & Pakenham, 2014)...
a commitment to the scientific ideal (Safer & Tang, 2009; Madigan, Johnson & Linton, 1995). In this sense, using APA style referencing is important in order to conform to how research papers and articles are referenced in the hard sciences like Chemistry, and is particularly important with ...
如:Murray states that writing is “a process” that “varies with our thinking style” (Write to Learn 6). Additionally, Murray argues that the purpose of writing is to “carry ideas and information from the mind of one person into the mind of another” (A Writer Teaches Writing 3). ...