Harvard style referencing for multiple authors tells us how to reference sources that have two, three, or more than three authors. Let’s learn about different formats of referencing in Harvard style.
references in Harvard style should give the author’s family name and the year of the work’s publication; if you quote or paraphrase, you should also give a page number. Here is a generic example, as it would appear in a reference list, for a journal article with three authors:...
Do the same for three authors: (Brown, Kevins and Johnes, 2019). More Than Three Authors For four or more authors inHarvard citations, you’ll have to use ‘et al.’ Pay attention to punctuation. Lokons, et al. (2013) reveal that 37% of people “die under similar circumstances” ...
Harvard in-text referencing guide APA in-text referencing guide Quotation Include the page number if available and single quotation marks ‘……‘ Smith (2010:221) states that ‘Exeter Council spends £3.3 million each year on biofuel heating rather than £7 million it would spend if it ...
You may come across many differentstylesor ways of using theHarvardor author-date system. The following information and examples are based on: Stylemanual for authors, editors and printers2002, 6th edn, John Wiley & Sons,Australia. In-text References In the text of your essay or thesis you ...
Harvard method of listing references at the end of the text References should be listed in alphabetical order by author's name and then by date (earliest first), and then if more than one item has been published during a specific year by letter (1995a, 1995b etc). Whenever possible detai...
UniversityofTasmaniaHarvardReferencing Note:Placeaquotation(directcitation)of30ormorewordsinyourworkasafreestandingblock.Thesequotesareusuallyindentede.g.5spacesandareinasmallerfonte.g.1pointsizesmallerthanthesurroundingtext.Donotenclosethequoteinquotationmarks.UniversityofTasmaniaHarvardReferencing 3.Referencelists Hatc...
“…the development of meaning is more important than the acquisition of a large set of knowledge or skills …” (Lutz and Huitt, 2004, p. 8), which means that … Note that if the source has four or more authors, you do not need to write out all of their surnames; simply use the...
Book (4 or more authors) Format: Author - Surname, Initials. Et al. (Year of publication - in brackets). Book Title - in italics or underlined. Series title and volume - if available. Edition - if not the first. Place of Publication: Publisher. ...
For abook, you need to include the authors or editors (use ed. in brackets for one editor, eds. for more than one editor), the year of publication, the title of the book (in italics), the edition (except for the 1st edition; use edn. for edition), the place of publication, and ...