2)Book with multiple authors 多位作者 在文本中引用: 如果是2-3位作者,可以将所有作者都写上,例如: Wallace and Wolf (2006) found that... Globalization is a theory that has many concepts... (Wallace & Wolf 2006). 如果是4位及以上的作者,则写第一位作者名,并进行省略,例如: Begg et al. (...
哈弗参考文献格式harvardreferencing--第2页 哈弗参考文献格式harvardreferencing--第3页 Thefullreferenceforeachofthedocumentsyouhavecitedinyour textshouldbeputinalistofreferencesattheendofyourwork. Forajournalarticle,youneedtoincludetheauthororauthors
“Et al.” is used in Harvard style to indicate that a source has four or more authors. By using “et al.”, writers can also avoid having very long citations that list every single author. For more help creating Harvard-style citations that use “et al.”, try the EasyBibHarva...
Note that if the source has four or more authors, you do not need to write out all of their surnames; simply use the first author’s surname followed by the abbreviation ‘et al.’ (meaning ‘and others’) in italics Why use a Harvard referencing tool? As well as saving you valuable...
‘Harvard referencing’ is an umbrella term for any referencing style that uses theauthor nameandyear of publicationwithin the text to indicate where you have inserted a source. Thisauthor-date systemappeals to both authors and readers of academic work. Scholars find the format an economical way ...
Morethantwoauthors:- Benneretal(1996)concludethat... Ifmorethanonecitationisreferredtowithinasentence,listthemallinthefollowingform,bydateandthenalphabetically:- Thereareindicationsthatpassivesmokingispotentiallythreateningtothehealth...(FrancomeandMarks,1996;Bunton,1995;Lupton,1995) Harvardmethodofquotinginthe...
Harvard Referencing 和 中文的文献引用 UniversityofTasmaniaHarvardReferencing 1.In-textExample(indirectcitation):Thepointmadebyananalyticphilosopher(O'Connor1969,p.32)isthatvaluescannotbejustifiedinthisway.OrThevaluescannotbejustifiedinthisway(O'Connor1969,p.32).Note:Page,chapterorsectionnumbersmaybeincludedin...
考文垂大学哈佛索引格式Harvard referencing Coventry University Harvard Reference Style Guide This Guide shows you how to write in-text citations and a List of References in the CU Harvard Reference Style For more information and the latest version of this Guide:http://www.coventry.ac.uk/caw This ...
HARVARD Referencing Guide+ The Harvard citation style is one that is universally used by students, researchers as well as writers to integrate the quotes, ideas and findings of other authors into their work. They include this information in order to validate as well as support their own ideas ...
‘Harvard referencing’ is an umbrella term for any referencing style that uses theauthor nameandyear of publicationwithin the text to indicate where you have inserted a source. Thisauthor-date systemappeals to both authors and readers of academic work. Scholars find the format an economical way ...