The Reference Sequence (RefSeq) Database Summary NCBI's Reference Sequence (RefSeq) database is a collection of taxonomically diverse, non-redundant and richly annotated sequences representing naturally occurring molecules of DNA, RNA, and protein. Included are sequences from p... J Mcentyre,J ...
The goal of the NCBI Reference Sequence (RefSeq) project is to provide the single best non-redundant and comprehensive collection of naturally occurring biological molecules, representing the central dogma. Nucleotide and protein sequences are explicitly linked on a residue-by-residue basis in this co...
Molecule Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples∟INSDC (International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration)∟Reference Genome Sequence Data FileThis section provides a tutorial example on how to download the Reference Genome Sequence Data File, provided by NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Inform...
[/RefSeq] is a non- redundant collection of richly annotated DNA, RNA, and protein sequences from diverse taxa. The collection includes sequences from plasmids, organelles, viruses, archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotes. Each RefSeq represents a single, naturally occurring molecule from one organism. ...
transcription start sites and RNA editing sites, are provided by curation. CURATION AND QUALITY CONTROL RefSeq sequences are validated to confirm the following: (i) accurate nucleotide-to-protein sequence correspondence; (ii) valid ASN.1 format and (iii) for species supported by collaboration wi...
Analysis of Human mRNAs With the Reference Genome Sequence Reveals Potential Errors, Polymorphisms, and RNA Editing The NCBI Reference Sequence (RefSeq) project and the NIH Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC) together define a set of 30,000 nonredundant human mRNA sequences ... TS Furey,M Diekhans...
}else{super.acceptRead(rec, refSeq); } } 開發者ID:mgarber,項目名稱:scriptureV2,代碼行數:16,代碼來源 示例8: extractSequenceNames ▲點讚 2▼ importnet.sf.picard.reference.ReferenceSequence;//導入依賴的package包/類publicstaticList<String>extractSequenceNames(File fasta)thro...
AMINO acid sequenceCOMMUNITIESOXIDATION-reduction reactionRIBOSOMAL RNAGAS wellsMICROBIAL enzymesEnvironmental influences on community structure are often assessed through multivariate analyses in order to relate microbial abundances to separately measured physicochemical variables. However, gene...
The coding sequences of each gene were initially analyzed by blasting against the genome sequence of A. suturalis. A specific region that was unique to each gene was selected to design double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) for microinjection (Additional file 1: Figure S12a). In the RNAi analysis, ...
Table 1.RefSeq accession pre(xes)molecule types, originating pipeline and annotated status categories Accession prefix Molecule Pipeline Status category NT_NW_XM_XR_XP_NC_NG_NM_ NR_NP_ Genomic Computed annotation Model Genomic Computed annotation Model mRNA Computed annotation Model RNA Computed ...